Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Mom: Hey, I need you to make a Christmas wish list.
Seth: I would like 3 things: a DSi, santa buddies dvd and moon shoes.
Mom: (ugh, he still wants the moon shoes)
Seth: I have asked for moon shoes from Santa since I was 6 and then 7 and again this year. I dont understand why I have not gotten them.
Mom: Well, maybe they dont make them anymore?
Seth: (in utter shock and dismay) Moooommmmm, Santa can make anything in his workshop.
Mom: Oh, thats right, what was I thinking those elves CAN make anything.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Citizens Academy

I got accepted into the Anchorage Police Department Citizens Academy - no, its not the academy where you can become a police officer, but is a place where citizens can get an up close look into what goes on in the departments and what the officers have to deal with. One night a week for 3 hours we listened to presentations on counterfeiting, gangs, domestic violence, patrol, accident investigations, K-9, crime scene investigations, homicides, cybercrime, drugs, personal safety, and maybe the most fun - we got to shoot some guns that SWAT get to use. Let me just tell you I now would like to have a fully automatic rifle and a taser.

So now what - well, I joined the Alumni group and plan on helping where I can. They use this group at large events like the Governors BBQ, AFN, and random places that need extra eyes. I will be volunteering for the disaster drill held at the airport each year and get to go on two ride alongs and if they ever get a new officer academy going I will just have to volunteer to get drunk and have them practice their DUI protocols.

I did not get a t-shirt after all of this, but did get an incredible opportunity to see the human side of our police force. Oh, but I did get this cool mug from my detective friend - thanks Sherlock!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Very Snowy Christmas

The fluffy snow has been falling non-stop for almost 3 days. Its time to think about sleds, handwarmers, hot chocolate, and rosey cheeks.

We have watched these 3 trees grow through the seasons and had the intentions on stringing lights on them, but I am not sure I want to knock off the snow.

On the agenda this weekend - COOKIES!!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Been Neglectful

Hi Folks

Okay, I have not forgotten that I have this blog. I just sorta went on a sabbatical from it for awhile. As the holidays approach I will get back into this and makes some posts. We have been a bit busy and I will admit a bit lazy. Had a wonderful visit up north for Thanksgiving, spending time with family and of course eating some good food. Now we are pulling out the holiday decor, attending christmas parties, anticipating a fun alumni volleyball tournament (can already feel the pain), and discussing Christmas dinner - Glen and my sister are already in the talks and I think its gonna be something grand.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Well, these seems to just keep coming

Seth: Mom, can I have a phone?
Mom: you dont need a phone, do you know how to dial a phone?
Seth: no
Mom: Do you know any of your friends phone numbers?
Seth: no
Mom: who would you call?
Seth: girls, girlfriends
Mom: oh, and what would you say?
Seth: I would say - and by the way he is using texting fingers - Hi, this is your boyfriend Seth.
Mom: nice, what if it was your wife?
Seth: well, I would say hi wife this is your husband and I am in jail.
Mom: What did you do to go to jail?
Seth: I did drugs.
Mom: yes, you would be in jail for that. Don't do it. Now eat your dinner.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Mom: Seth wanna go to the movies?
Seth: Yes, awesome.
Mom: okay, its a date.
Seth: Mom, you are too old for me, I mean I am too young for you for a date.
Mom: (now thinking I am raiding his piggy bank to bank roll this outing)

Few minutes later:
Mom: we are going to stop by the store and get treats, kay
Seth: I am getting gum.
Mom: okay, and then we are going to sneak our treats into the movie, kay
Seth: no real response, but he goes with it.

At the ticket counter:
Mom: 2 tickets to G-Force
Seth: we only need tickets and no food because we brought our own.
Mom: uh,uh,uh. nudge seth with elbow while noticing the manager 3 ft away.
Theatre manager: I did not hear that, I did not hear that.
Seth: (repeats alittle louder and alittle slower at the manager) I said we only need tickets because we have our own food.
Mom: ugh.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Seth loves ice cream and he is starting to help himself in the kitchen. Last night, before brushing his teeth and bed, he reminded me that I said he could have ice cream. Granted I had told him that about 5 hours prior - the boy has a memory!!!! especially when it comes to ice cream. He will even say, "mom, remember you said I could have ice cream yesterday and I never got any?" oops.

So he helped himself with a bowl last night and the talk went like this:

Seth: where is that big scooper?
Mom: in the green crock by the coffee maker.
Seth: yes, thats the big one.
Mom: you want me to do it?
Seth: no, I can do it. {gets scooper} boy, this ice cream is tough, but I am tougher.
Mom: Let it stand and melt some, it will be easier to scoop.
Seth: Mom, I am stronger then the ice cream.
Mom: fine, don't eat the whole carton.

few minutes later:
Seth: mom, I finished with the scooper and put it back.
Mom: back where? (no, he could not have)
Seth: back where I got it.
Mom: (walking to the crock, yes he did) Did you wash it before putting it back?
Seth: Oh, darn it, no.
Mom: Good grief child!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sydney Update


This is how Sydney likes to watch her morning shows. She is curled up in Seths blanket only because Seth has left for school. Here she was watching Bambi (her new favorite movie)and I think the scene where the mom was telling Bambi to run. Sydney likes to yell at the screen Rum, Rum (of course that could be Glens influence as well, I dont drink the stuff).

Here are just some fun things that Sydney is up to:
* we are bribing with beads (M & Ms) to try potty training - its a slow process.
* we like to wake mom and dad up at 7:30am on weekends.
* we do a shakey, shakey dance when we mix our chocolate milk in the am (ovaltine)
* we dont go anywhere without baby (yes, the one she is holding in the picture).
* we yell at the top of our voice "Dah" when mom walks in the door - we are working on parental identity
* when we are done eating everything is "Yuck"
* When we get the chance we love to pound the computer keyboard and open mysterious pages and somehow change the color of the keyboard lights. Today we are back to red.
* when asked what color is this? the answer is always PINK - I am in trouble.
* we like to only let the daycare lady do braids and ponytails - that I am ok with.
* we do not understand the meaning of stop - especially when pestering brother.
* we still love to take naps - thats how I know she is mine.
* we can put our crocs on "all myself, I do it"
* we are afraid of cars in the parking lot "scary me, yikes"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Russian River 09

We packed up the camper and headed south last weekend. To increase the excitement of getting out of town we also brought along Emma, Dani, Beth, and Andrea.

We got into Russian River campsite around 8:30 and the kids were already exploring the grounds on their bikes. Meanwhile, the chilled beers were brought out, grilled cheese sandwhiches were made and the fire got rolling.

Beth was the firemaster as she was able to start the fire by using the coals left by the previous campers. She is now reffered to as Beth Fireball Bennett.

Andrea working the grill

After a lazy morning that ran into the afternoon (1 early morning Aasland riser has no chance against 3 late riser Bennett girls)- we headed to the river - no one was there because no fish were there. 5am is better fishing, but I offered to stay back in the camper if Glen wanted to go and that just never happened (he is learning the ways). The fishing gang did go out at 10pm (another decent time to fish) but when they saw the grizzly fishing in the river - and he actually did get a fish - they decided to come back to the campsite.

The weekend went by fast but we were able to sit around the fire, make smores, relax, chat and spend time together. All in all a great time.

We hope to get out at least 2 more times to catch the fall colors

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Siding Be Gone

In our short summer season we try to jam in yardwork, camping, sports, relaxing, bbqs, birthdays, and of course outside home improvement. This summer is continued work on the deck with the start of the outdoor kitchen and deck railing. We also upgraded our windows in the back and while we are doing that we might as well take down the siding and replace it (hopefully before it snows). Glen started the demo and had a little cheerleader yelling "Go Daddy Go"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Mom: see that car over there - that is an unmarked police car and the guy driving it is a detective.
Seth: what is a detective?
Mom: a police officer who does not have to wear a police uniform.
Seth: What does he do?
Mom: He investigates and solves crimes.
Seth: ohhhhh, like Scooby-do, they solve mysteries
Mom: Exactly.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A prayer then a leap

So the day started out with a nice hike into the Catalina Mountains moved on to a nice breakfast of apple sausage and fresh squeezed orange juice, spent some time relaxing at the pool and then I decided to climb up a 35 ft pole and step off of it. Just your typical day. I am not much of a risk taker, but it seemed like a doable challenge and sometimes I think an opportunity to see what you have in you is a bit cathartic.

....and then I went back to this:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Remembering Mom

Grief is an odd thing, they say it weakens as the days go on, but I disagree. Although it changes into a different kind of grief - one that makes you stop and say - oh, I wish mom was here to see that or I wonder what mom would think of this or how would mom handle that. And when the day of her death comes each year you sit and remember the good and the bad and how you can learn from her mistakes and her wisdom. She had a great life but sometimes a difficult life that she kept to herself - pride I suppose, but it was also a short life. She was in the peace corps in Panama, she travelled across the states with a friend in her VW bug and spun out on a "herd" of frogs that were trying to cross the road, she became a nurse and after 20 some years of raising kids she recertified and went back to it. She survived an anyuerism and 3 teenage daughters but did not survive her lifestyle ways even when we tried to help. She loved the sun and her bubble baths and her wine - uh, oh - so do I!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chicks, Chickens, & Roosters

We finally got a free day to go see the chicken and roosters that give us our eggs. To think it is just about 3 minutes from our home!!! They just got 60 chicks in from McMurrys
and they were old enough for a visit.

This is about how close Seth would get to the chickens, about 15 minutes into the trip he was ready to leave.

Sydney, on the other hand, was a bit more fearless. Except when one went fly past her face.

These are the banta chickens that lay the smaller green eggs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Going to Game 5

As I post this, Glen is on a midnight flight to Detroit to watch his most favorite hockey team, the Red Wings, play in Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals. I will be watching the game from home looking for him in row 17 behind the Penguins bench sitting next to his partner in crime Steve, but this guy is his new BF who managed to get these fantastic tickets and give Glen a weekend to remember. Thanks Tom.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had some fabulous sunny skies for our first trip out with the camper to Cooper Center Campground - 100 miles south of Anchorage. Seth ventured out on his bike and Sydney explored the campground - she really has no fear of wandering off and meeting people. I think she said Hi to everyone about 5 times each. Fresh air gives her energy and man was she full of it and luckily when it was bedtime, she zonked. The boys went rafting down the Kenai with trusty guide Jarret and saw a black bear on the shore. The girls took a nap because camping is just exhausting. We took a look at other campsites further south and will be back for at least one more at the Russian River Campground - oh, the memories.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trouble with capital T

Mornings are supposed to be calm, quiet, and serene. I get my coffee, get Seth off to school, check my email, send out 50 emails, harvest my fb farm and do mafia jobs - just a normal morning. NOT TODAY. As I am at the computer I get a whiff of Gold Bond diaper powder - but then again I gave Sydney that on her bum this morning and she was just at my side. Then she leaves and I turn to see her go and notice this:

This CANNOT be good, so I look around the corner and see this:

I am getting pretty good at counting to 10 these days

Monday, May 18, 2009

A great day for a triathlon

Swimsuit (check), goggles (check), awesome borrowed roadbike (check), water (check), shoes & socks (check), bagel and peanut butter (check), bib number 818 (check), anxious (check), listen to "I run for life" one more time for motivation (check), powerade gel bites (check), and Starbucks dark chocolate with espresso treats (check) - gotta have the right fuel.
It was my third one and I was not really nervous - well, until I was asked "ready to go?" , but with a thumbs up the day began. The heart was pumping, the swim stroke was strong and my breathing fast - but wait I caught up to the swimmer in front of me and had to pass - progress already. Then 2 more and then the I hear "last lap, great job" then the stairs to get out of the pool (thank goodness because my arms felt like wet noodles) leg one done. Running, barefooted as I tore off my swim cap and goggles like a seasoned pro I ran past strangers saying "go 818" - people who have been though the self induced misery understand what its like and are willing to give support to anyone starting off. Its great!

Arrived at my bike station and hurridly put my shoes and socks on - no getting outta my swim stuff this year, strapped on the helmet and headed to the bike course - oh, the hills of Birchwood Loop. I got passed by a mountain biker - drats - but as I watched her go by I realized she was channelling the strength of Wolverine - me not. Oh, a down hill and me the speed lover, tucked on my handle bars and rode it out. No brakes for this gal. Then the hill - yikes, failure - had to get off and walk it but that stretched my legs out for the last 2 hills and those I powered though - i think the gel bites had finally kicked in. I turned into the finish bike shoot pedaling to the dismount area and got off the bike - oh, were those tree trunks or my burning quads. I had to look down to make sure. 2nd leg done.

Off goes the helmet, bike back in the stand and onto the run - well actually jog/power walk - this girl hates to run. As runners were returning to the start you could see the smiles on their face and an encouraging comment to keep on - you are almost there. A 14 yr old and I traded jog and speed walk intervals - I would pass her she would pass me - until at the end she won out and crossed the finish line before me - but thats okay - she had a lower number then me which tells me overall I beat her out. HA! Triathlon done!!!!!

Then I came home and had this for dinner - yum Dutch Harbor Crab

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Try to do

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trouble - again

We all have a few regrets in life and one of those for me is letting Sydney see me doing a mud mask one day because I think it has led to this. Although she decided to continue onto the legs.
At least her skin was nice and soft when we washed her all up.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Product Endorsement

If you ask me I think soda is the downfall of health. Most people who complain of their weight will add, but I can't live without my 4 bottles of (fill in the name). Even the no calorie or zero calorie choices don't impress me when you read the ingredients and you have to refer to the periodic table to figure out their lab work. If I have a choice, I tend to be a lemonade person - lemons, sugar (non fructose preferred), water. See no periodic table, pipet or burner needed.

So when Glen went on one of his "pre-red wing playoff" trips to the store he brought back this Pepsi product. He is a pepsi guy and I guess you are either that or a Coke guy - which just makes me laugh because my tastebuds really cannot tell the difference - no worries though I have had a $200 bottle of wine and a $14 bottle and have the same issue.

The product has NO, and I say No High Fructose Corn Syrup. No major carbonation, but some fiz from the sparkling water. And the taste - well refer to the above - its not bad and is something I am sure you pepsi and coke heads can deal with. The sugar is a blend of cane and beet sugar and there are no lab created extracts. Give it a try.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mother of the Year

My kids are pretty creative and they are starting to show some independence - and I am all for that as I was raised to be independent. We have been going though the "puke" sickness in the house - last week it was Sydney and this week it was Seth who stayed home from school on Tuesday. Out of the blue they just hurled whatever they could and then did not have an appetite. I actually thought for a moment that maybe if I got it I might lose a pound during the temporary semi-bulemic state. But alas, I am healthy. Well, today I got played. Seth woke up early and laid on the couch - normally he is quite a challenge to wake up (thank you Bennett DNA) so when this happens something is not right. He said his tummy hurt and although he went to school on Wednesday I figured maybe he relapsed. I told him he could stay home from school because you don't have to tell this mother that teachers frown on parents who send kids to school and puke at their desk. Blech.

Then when we were at Syd's gym class - my son, who cannot tell a lie, said he played an April Fools on me. What Seth? Mom, I really just did not want to go to school today so I said my tummy hurt, but I am really okay. Ah, well then you can clean the toilets when we get home and read 10 books and give me your DS.

Then there is Sydney who has figured out how to entertain herself when I am preoccupied with laundry, kitchen cleaning, and doing really, really important things on facebook like wordtwist and mafia wars and leaving comment threads all day: she helps herself to a lapfull of oreos and plops herself in the stroller in front, and I mean right in front of the TV. Look at how happy she is!!!!!! Mother of the year award is mine for sure.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bathroom Adventures

I have to admit that as I have had the opportunity to travel in Europe, Asia, Mexico and much of the US I do become quite entertained by the local bathrooms. You can always tell the quality of a restuarant lets say in Mexcio or Germany based on how they keep their bathrooms clean and interior designed. I agree with the slide show that when in Europe and especially in England - never leave your hotel without change and in Narita, Japan you will want to carry your own toilet paper. For more fun bathrooms click here

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This is Sydney's new entertainment - she likes to run and run away from me whenever I need to do things like get her ready for bed or get her shoes on or sit her down to eat or get her naked little self in the bathroom - are you getting the idea? . As she runs she giggles and says "I gonna get you" We will be signing her up for track. A few times she does not make the corner into the bedroom on the right and goes into the door jam - I try not to laugh, but she looks at you like where did that come from? We shall work on her cornering ability too.

Lately, she has shown some interest in wearing underwear - and I am not sure if this is the right parent thing to do, but hey if she is interested in wearing them this way and it makes me think she is getting that much closer to me not buying diapers anymore then so be it.

and don't worry - we don't go out in public like this.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

not much to report

Its like we are in a waiting pattern around here - waiting for seths spring hockey league to begin, for snow to melt and leaves begin to grow on the birch tree, waiting on a new addition to the Aasland clan (no not me), waiting to see if its a girl or a boy (dang Krissy), waiting on the new furniture to arrive to metamorphis the living room, waiting for Sydney to decide to potty train - She was doing the happy dance the other day and I asked if she needed to use the toilet - she ran and put the ring on the seat!!!! Plus, she now says thank you for changing her diaper - I think its almost time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dog eats $400, but woman recovers some cash later

APEX, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina family's dog didn't eat the children's homework, he ate mom's money. Kelley Davis said she had an extra $400 in cash to deposit after working extra hours as a physical therapist. She told the News & Observer of Raleigh that on Friday she planned to deposit the money, but it wasn't in her pocket.

She remembered leaving it in the bedroom and it occurred to her that the family's 2-year-old greater Swiss mountain dog, Augie, might have eaten it.

Davis, 42, said when she took Augie for a walk Saturday, she found parts of three $100 bills and five $20s in his leavings. She washed them with a garden hose and hopes to find enough pieces to exchange them for cash.
A professor at the North Carolina State University Veterinary School said the money shouldn't hurt the dog.

If you are a teller in the wonderful state of North Carolina - BEWARE

Monday, March 9, 2009

2009 Iditarod Restart

We were offered a great opportunity to go to our friends cabin on Willow Lake where the restart of the Iditarod has taken place the past few years. We packed up for an overnighter and headed north Saturday evening to avoid the traffic and got cozy in their Toyostove heated cabin and woke up the next morning to breakfast burritos and coffee. As their friends arrived so did the food - we could have fed a small village with what we had and of course plenty of beverages to wash it all down with. They have quite the set up there - a firepit on the lake, plenty of parking space for your snowmachine, and a sledding hill for Seth to go down. I am not even sure if he realized there was a mushing event going on.

I scored a VIP badge from a gentleman I met while working the gallery the day before and got to schmooze with a lady from Virginia who paid $10,000 to ride in Rick Swenson's sled at the ceremonial start. She said it was an incredible experience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Skies

The sun is not anywhere near Alaska right now, but all the clouds that exist are - so luckily I can go visit The Pioneer Woman and enjoy her sunsets - even if they are in Tulsa, OK.
How exciting is this? Bakerella and The Pioneer Woman are having a baking/cooking get together at The Lodge on march 10th - this ought to be entertaining and very blog worthy!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It was a thriller to go down in the books. Early in the 1st period we had our first score by Karl, you could feel the collective "whew, we are on the board first" from the parents. Then a second goal by Karl to sort of act as insurance and a 3rd goal that rebounded off a Red Hot Lava players skate and right past the goalie. Ugly, but a goal and we will take it, thank you very much. 2nd period was all Red Hot Lava - they caught up with 3 goals, but we scored one more - we were always just ahead on the board. The 3rd period was a nail biter for 16 minutes. The Wildcats had determination and still some fuel in the legs, the Red Hot Lava team was thirsty for a win and were not giving up. Eli had a breakaway and in prime hockey form scored and raised his stick in celebration then looked up at mom and waved. Seth was vicious at defense, he is learning to go after the puck and pass it off to the hot hands. With 47 seconds left the Red Hot Lava team tied the game at 6-6, do they do over time or one on one with the goalie? We will not have to worry about that, because our young Gretzky Karl got a break away and with some fancy spancy stick moves and the ability to stay on his skates flipped the puck into the net with 7 seconds left on the clock- SCORE!!!!!! and the crowd goes wild - Karls dad giving everyone, including me, high fives.

Who needs the Red Wings when we have the Wildcats??????
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Running with the Reindeer

The second annual running of the reindeer grew 2 more herds this year. Turning out to be one of the better money makers for the Fur Rondy. They have a male herd, female herd, couples herd and a group herd. This big fella was right behind us and I did see him drop his nose a bit, but they mainly just wanted to get to the hay at the end of the 2 blocks we had to run. The sun was out, the strange Alaskans did not disappoint - especially the two men with beards in drag that tried to run with the female herd and no one got gord

The Posse

Front row: Lindsey, Beth Backrow: Julie, me, Steve, Jana

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baze & Croft

We have not had many visitors this winter, but that means less piles of poop to pick up, so its not all that bad. We are only in the B's so this mama is Baze and her young one is Croft. Croft was in the front yard while Baze was laying in the sun all day in the backyard.

Seth is into his tournament for Hockey now and I think his niche is defense. He hates to be scored against so he likes to stay back and make interference for those who are heading towards his goal and then he likes to camp out in front of the goalie to "help" defend. This means that he will one day be slamming people into the boards and have to develope an aggressive attitude. Oh Joy!!! Right now I can pretty much hear him say "sorry" when he knocks over someone. We have some studs on our team who I am sure go to bed dreaming of scoring goals: Karl, who reminds me of a possible young gretzky, Gregory, Eli and even little miss Hannah - who hangs with the boys and says she hates pig tails - my kind of gal.

Meanwhile: the 2nd born is playing at the bathroom sink and decided to wash my contacts down the drain. For the love of Ugh.