Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baze & Croft

We have not had many visitors this winter, but that means less piles of poop to pick up, so its not all that bad. We are only in the B's so this mama is Baze and her young one is Croft. Croft was in the front yard while Baze was laying in the sun all day in the backyard.

Seth is into his tournament for Hockey now and I think his niche is defense. He hates to be scored against so he likes to stay back and make interference for those who are heading towards his goal and then he likes to camp out in front of the goalie to "help" defend. This means that he will one day be slamming people into the boards and have to develope an aggressive attitude. Oh Joy!!! Right now I can pretty much hear him say "sorry" when he knocks over someone. We have some studs on our team who I am sure go to bed dreaming of scoring goals: Karl, who reminds me of a possible young gretzky, Gregory, Eli and even little miss Hannah - who hangs with the boys and says she hates pig tails - my kind of gal.

Meanwhile: the 2nd born is playing at the bathroom sink and decided to wash my contacts down the drain. For the love of Ugh.


The Curtis Family said...

Ugh indeed. Don't you just love it when the kiddos think our most (insert your favorite word here: prized, expensive, hard-to-replace) items are the most fun to play with? Sorry you lost your contacts. :).

BTW I'm curious - which area of town do you live in? My parents ended up down in the Southport area(between old Klatt and Bayview) before they left altogether, and they didn't get too many moose visiting down there!

Anonymous said...

awwwww! cute moose!!!