Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Remembering Mom

Grief is an odd thing, they say it weakens as the days go on, but I disagree. Although it changes into a different kind of grief - one that makes you stop and say - oh, I wish mom was here to see that or I wonder what mom would think of this or how would mom handle that. And when the day of her death comes each year you sit and remember the good and the bad and how you can learn from her mistakes and her wisdom. She had a great life but sometimes a difficult life that she kept to herself - pride I suppose, but it was also a short life. She was in the peace corps in Panama, she travelled across the states with a friend in her VW bug and spun out on a "herd" of frogs that were trying to cross the road, she became a nurse and after 20 some years of raising kids she recertified and went back to it. She survived an anyuerism and 3 teenage daughters but did not survive her lifestyle ways even when we tried to help. She loved the sun and her bubble baths and her wine - uh, oh - so do I!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Dana.

Loi said...

Bless you for celebrating your mom. You are so right - grief is such an ebb and flow with a few boar tides thrown in. So do either of your kids have a particular trait that was unique to her? I fully believe our loved ones keep the love cycle alive by giving us glimpses of them in the next generation.
My love to you!