Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Product Endorsement

If you ask me I think soda is the downfall of health. Most people who complain of their weight will add, but I can't live without my 4 bottles of (fill in the name). Even the no calorie or zero calorie choices don't impress me when you read the ingredients and you have to refer to the periodic table to figure out their lab work. If I have a choice, I tend to be a lemonade person - lemons, sugar (non fructose preferred), water. See no periodic table, pipet or burner needed.

So when Glen went on one of his "pre-red wing playoff" trips to the store he brought back this Pepsi product. He is a pepsi guy and I guess you are either that or a Coke guy - which just makes me laugh because my tastebuds really cannot tell the difference - no worries though I have had a $200 bottle of wine and a $14 bottle and have the same issue.

The product has NO, and I say No High Fructose Corn Syrup. No major carbonation, but some fiz from the sparkling water. And the taste - well refer to the above - its not bad and is something I am sure you pepsi and coke heads can deal with. The sugar is a blend of cane and beet sugar and there are no lab created extracts. Give it a try.


Bobbi Mason said...

mason.bobbi@gmail.com. Ready and willing to serve. =)