Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kicked to the Curb

I am finding the little moments of signs that the kids are growing up. Sydney slept in this morning so I grabbed my coffee mug and walked Seth to the bus stop. Well, we did not get all the way there because just as we were approaching the corner he tells me, "mom, this is far enough, you can go back now." I stood there, not really knowing what to do and when he saw that he would be the first one there - he took off running. I did not even get a good-bye kiss. This is happening way tooooooo early. I watched as he ran away and then he turned around, waved and yelled "love ya mom" - So at least I still have that.

Then I come home, relaxed a bit and I hear Sydney waking up. She is singing her ABC's, not really the letters, but the sound of the song. This I do not interupt and I should really get a recording. After I got her up and started blogging - I hear the TV come on and pitter patter of feet. So I go to the room and there she is sitting on the couch with the remote. SLOW DOWN, let's think baby steps here people.

Later in the day:

I come home from work to see Glen holding Seth at the front door. Tell mom what you told me - "mom, I have a girlfriend"
Mom - "you do? what is her name".
Seth - "you know her name, its Brianna"
Mom- "oh, we like Brianna"
Seth - "well, actually I have 2 and the other one is Chloe"
I am raising a loverboy.


Krissy said...

Not already! I remember when Sally mentioned that last year Josh told her he was getting to old for the tucking in for bed night routine. That was hard for her. Enjoy the moments while you can.

Dana said...

I know, so crazy. Seth still likes to be tucked in - whew.