Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

I often wonder what my dad would think of the world if he were still here with us. I know he would love that you could be on the internet and not get kicked off when the phone rang - in its earliest years this would happen and having 2 teenage daughters at home caused the phone to ring a lot. He would shake his head that we are looking at either a black american president or a female VP (from Alaska). I could see him walking the aisles of Home Depot asking Glen "do you have that? you gotta have that, I wish I had something like that back when..." I wonder if he would be impressed with his daughters and how they turned out - I know he would have been relieved to see me in a wedding dress - "yes dad, I promise I will wear one if that ever happens." I wonder if I would have gotten my pilots license if we had more time. Missing you tons.