Sunday, August 31, 2008

I heart Raspberries

Our first summer living in this home we planted about 6 raspberry starters and 2 maple trees, we were told that in about 3 years the raspberry starters would start producing. For most folk I am told that their raspberry bushes just take over the area, grow on their own and multiply. They said plant them and let them be and soon you will have more raspberries then you will know what to do with. So me, not having a green finger (or is it thumb, see I can't even get that right) said that is a great plan. Each summer for the past 5 years (as I believe we are on the 5 year plan) I have cheered on these little starters - some dried up and died (we expected that), but others flourished on - somehow- and today I went to check on them and found these - the best little crop of berries yet. There were only a few of them, but more bushes have spread and so I cheer on. I ate the few that looked good and boy were they.

Then I went over to my neighbors backyard to see how hers were doing. Now, granted, she has lived in the home for many more moons and has grown the most grandest area of raspberry bushes. She said last year that I could come over and pick some as she is too busy at work and they go wasting away - oh, my goodness, not this year. I will be knocking on her door with an empty bucket and some halibut to trade in the next few days. I stood back and saw a sea of red, she needs to get picking and I need to help her. She makes some great jam with them whereas, I eat them like popcorn.


Krissy said...

Wow - I heard that rasberries did great this year. I am looking forward to when my plants are that plentiful. Be sure to make some jam and enjoy it for me!

Dana said...

well, the folks are coming down later in Sept. maybe by then we will have some to send up -along with that crib!!!!!!little girl grows up.

Krissy said...

Hard to believe that she will be out of the crib - and I'll be putting my own little one in the crib. Enjoy your day!

Dana said...

Yes, I think she will be the child that roams the house when we all sleep or comes over to my side and pokes my nose.

. said...

I eat them like popcorn too, eventhough I MEAN to pick them for jam.

Ever try them with cream? I know, fat, but once in a while is GOOD for you!

Dana said...

ohhhh, cream - never really got past just eating them alone or on top of a cheesecake.

The neighbor must be on vacation and I am fighting the urge to just go pick them babies.