Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Nielson Family

photo by Wendy Whitacre

This is the Nielson Family

I only know of them through the blogging world, but I have come to admire their love of life, family and faith. You will too when you visit Nie Nie's blog . A tragic event has happend in their lives just a little while ago: Christian and Stephanie were in an airplane accident on take-off while on a training flight. The flight instructor, a devoted father, died in the accident. Stephanie and Christian have severe burns over 70% of their bodies, are in a chemical induced coma, and are going through extensive skin surgeries. There are no internal organ damage, but the recovery road is long.

Her sister Cjane, another most amazing blogger, has been keeping updates going on her blog. I visit her blog daily now, and am amazed, saddened and yet inspired by her posts and impressed with the support given by fellow bloggers who either know this family or not. Cjane and Chup, who just had a little boy, have taken in the 4 children and are rising up to occassion. If you are willing - a donation site is on her site as well as a link to other donation auctions and etsy stores where proceeds are going 100% to the medical needs.

They are also very much wanting anyone and everyone to keep them in prayer and positive thought.

It pains me that such an event can happen to a family like this. But these families do not question their faith - instead they embrace it and gain strength from it and that is what I find so beautiful about these people whom I wish I knew.


Ninny said...

Dana- Nice to find you in the blogging world. We are out in Wasilla! Love your blog.

Dana said...

Hi Ninny

Thanks for visiting, come anytime. I am really impressed with the blogging response for this family and it renews my faith that good happens more then we know.