Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How Curiosity leads to Beading

It all started with a question. We were sitting around the dinner table in Mexico and my lil sis, Beth, was wearing a very cool necklace. I asked her where she got it and she said, "oh, I made this." What? So then more questions came. How do you secure it? where did you get your beads? where did you learn to do this?

Back track to the previous Fall trip to Fairbanks. I was at one of my favorite stores there called If Only. Very difficult to leave that store without buying anything - especially if you like leather bound journals and very impressive pens. Anyway, there was a necklace with various cube stone beads that caught my attention, but I resisted buying it because of the price. My mother-in-law, Thelma, observed my interest and later she gave it to me as a Christmas gift.

Well, in this bead store there were all the strung cube beads and I pretty much bought them out and started the madness. Beth gave me a little clinic on making them and off I went. It has turned out to be a fun pasttime of getting together on Sundays and having a beading "sit in." We then sell our items at the gallery. Beth and Jana are way more creative then I (Beth's work is the blue and orange/red necklaces in the pics), but I like to keep my style simple, plus it keeps me away from the bead store. I have since expanded my style to Zuni Bears, pearls and larger cube beads.
Beth is pretty much a walking beadstore as she has the largest bin of organized beads. I should take a pic of them next time. Table conversation usually goes like this: Beth do you have something for this?, oh probably. Beth do you have a black bead? Yes, what size or shape. Beth, I need.... I am sure I have it, just look.

Jana, Beth and I are even considering a trip to the Tucson Bead Festival - we might chalk it up to gallery morale but are scared of how much we will spend.