Friday, April 11, 2008

Been Tagged

Okay, I have been tagged and am finally getting to it and I tag: Krissy and Susan (because they need to make a post already) and Sheila (so she has something to do during the wind storms)

1. link to the person who tagged you.
2. post the rules.
3. share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. tag at least 3 people.
5. make sure the people you tagged know you tagged them by commenting to them.

1. I self diagnosed my hypothyroid condition, had the doctor do the test and he confirmed it. Then I tried to get a self-diagnose discount and he did not go for it. I get to take a pill everyday for the rest of my life to keep my energy up, hair healthy, and nails strong - but mainly so I don't fatigue so easily.

2. I have 2 major regrets in life so far. The first was not learning how to fly airplanes. I had the best teacher in the world - my dad, the pilot to help out, but I did not understand the aerodynamics and being 16 I just was into other things and did not have time to commit, but trust me when I say that being in a Cessna flying over Anchorage and the mountains is one of the best experiences I have ever had. My second regret is that I was not there when my mother passed away in the hospital - if you are ever in this situation - screw the visiting hours rule and stay as long as you want.

3. Quirky food issue - When I eat out and get the most wonderful choice of eggs, bacon and pancakes I have to have the pancakes on a seperate plate. This way the syrup cannot touch my eggs and bacon - there is just something wrong with a sweet taste on those and prevention is key

4. Hair - I cannot have my children leave the house with "bed head" and enter any public arena. Why parents let their kids look that way is beyond me.

5. I loved Star Trek before I loved Star Wars and yes I had a crush on Captain Kirk. My 2 favorite Star Treks were "the city on the edge of forever" when Kirk fell in love with a human (Joan Collins) vs some crazy looking alien and "the trouble with tribbles." Nowdays, I still get my Shatner kicks with Boston Legal - now that is a quirky show.

6. I am in a desperate search for some photo albums that I have of me pre-mom. Especially of the ones from college and my sorority days. Let's just say they need to be kept in a safe deposit box until the kids grow up but still available for me to remember the crazy days.


Krissy said...

Dana, you will be proud of me. I actually added 2 new postings! :)

. said...

EVERYONE LOVES "Trouble with Tribbles"!!!

My older brother was a TOTAL trekkie when he was little, so my mom had to MAKE him a bunch of tribbles so that he could cover himself in them! SO funny.

About the pictures of your soroity days....
Go to project playlist and look up the song
"fore she was mama" by Clay Walker.

Okay, it's a twangy song, but SO good!

Dana said...

Krissy - yes, and about time. Please continue

Nancy - the song is right on. funny. I found an old album of my moms and I don't fall too far from the tree.

Sue Aasland Nance and Terry Nance said...

Yes, and I will try to update often....Sue