Thursday, April 3, 2008

Doe Rae Me

From his early days, Seth has always been a hummer. While he played he would hum, while he was dozing off to sleep he would hum, while in pre-school he would hum (Mrs. Davis was a bit concerned). I had gotten used to it and like my uncle who could no longer hear the crickets on the farm "uncle Ron, how can you stand those crickets all day?" "Oh, hmm those are crickets", I could not hear the humming. My sisters on the other hand did not have this "defense mechanism" and Beth would ask "how can you stand that?, Seth No HUMMING" Her efforts rarely worked because off he went humming. Yes, I even looked into autism or the new asperger syndrome and although repetitive humming is a sign of something - he did not match the other "red flags" so I was not concerned.

Well, thanks to the wonderful world of public school and specifically music class, Seth has turned into a singer. He will come home with some interesting songs and I can sit in my room and listen to him sing in his. Much like when Sydney wakes up and starts gabbing and then chuckles from some amusement.

This past weekend, Seth was playing outside with Gabby and a friend of hers. That night he had 2 lines from a new song. "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky" - Yes, a wonderful Mariah Carey song - I guess there are worse songs out there. I thought oh, oh, sort of a girly song - but then he started to add in his own lyrics. "I believe I can poke your eye" and "I believe I can eat a pie." Can you tell he has learned Rhyming in school and so now we make our own lyrics up and it just gives us a good laugh. Mom: "I believe its time to go to bed" Seth: "I believe I am not tired at all." Pretty soon our daily life could turn into a musical.


Jeremy and Kamie said...

LOVE IT! Encourage the arts especially with boys! :)

Unknown said...

Better get some protective goggles for Syd, "I believe I can poke your eye".... He is planning something!

to funny.

. said...

That is hillarious!

...and SO CUTE!

. said...

Is this coming from the same person who thought the words to the chumbawumba song were and I quote... "I get no tongue, but I get up again" I am just going from memory here but I am sure Gary will back me up on this. Sounds like genetics to me...

Your ol' pal Ben.