Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Conversations with Seth

Seth is at the age where he is very curious about many things and has quite the creative mind (I have the teacher conference notes to prove it ) which has lead us to some interesting conversations or should I say clarifications that give me an insight to the 6 year old mind. Here is one we had yesturday on the way to work.

Seth: We live in a flat house.

Mom: Yes, its called a ranch house because there is only one floor.

SEth: We don't have stairs, I like stairs. (a favorite activity once he could crawl). Maybe if we burn the house we can get a new, bigger house.

Mom: (note to self - check that all matches are up high when we get home). Oh, no we don't want that to happen because then all your toys will burn up too, and monkey, and your Transformer movie. Mom and Dad are thinking of building onto the house and making it bigger.

Seth: Mom, you don't know how to build a house and where would we get all that wood?

Mom: We would hire people who know how to build houses and they would get the wood from Home Depot, aka the "man store" in our house.

Seth: Okay, can we go to subway now?

Our next conversation topic is about jail, guns and Uncle Tim - bet you are on the edge of your seat for that one.


. said...

THAT was so funny!

I'm loving these conversations! What a smart kid!

Dana said...

Eecks, you are up early. I have several to share - guess this is like writing them down to add to the scrapbook later.

Jeremy and Kamie said...

Great conversations! Good answers mom! :)

Unknown said...

Lord only knows why he is worried about Uncle Tim, Jail and guns... I think Andrea is already on that line of wonder... Maybe Seth needs to sit her down for a heart to heart?