Monday, November 10, 2008

Celebrity Sighting

While working my shifts at the gallery I have had old friends walk in and local celebrities. Once I had Jack Frost, the guy who voices for the Sagaya commercials, come in. I was working on something at the desk and only heard him, thinking it was another commercial then realized I had a CD playing and heard him talking art and not GIANT, DELICIOUS FRESH from the SEA, PRAWNS. Another time, Mr. White Keys was in and I just wanted to find a can of Spam and a camera - he too has another recognizable voice. I wanted to say hi and then the fear of being an add-in to one of his comedy skits set in. (like that would ever happen, but just in case - sit there and don't say a word, let the man shop)
Well last night, Greta Van Susteren was in. She is here to do a post-election interview with S. Palin. I wondered should I play nonchalant and treat her like any other customer? She was browsing and coming closer to the desk, so the words came from somewhere"can you sign our gallery book so when I tell the other gallery gals you were here they'll believe me" She said "sure"and started signing away while almost in an apologetic way said "I am a bit tired" I just said thank you and she said thanks for watching the show. As her group left one said thanks, another said good night and we might come back tomorrow to shop - we are just too tired right now. What did I say? Not, thanks for coming in, have a good night or the normal thing. Dork says "SLEEP WELL."
Who Says That?


Loi said...

At least you didn't say, "Is it night night time? Do you need a snuggle and a binkie? Ahhhh, night, night sugar bear."

you're funny! :-)

Krissy said...

No worries - I have been watching the interview and so far she did not mention anything about her encounter at the gallery. I am sure we all would have said something similar. My one brush with a famous person, my response was - I'm your biggest fan! Nothing like a junior high fan.

Dana said...

Loi - thanks for putting it into perspective like that.

Yes, watched the interview myself and whew no mention. Life goes on.

Sue Aasland Nance and Terry Nance said...

That is a good one-at least you were concerned about her lack of sleep. She propably appreciated that.

. said...

I like it!

"Have a great day" or "Thanks for coming by" is generic. Wishing them a good sleep is sincere and unique.

They'll remember THAT!

Dana said...

thanks ladies - I am slowly pulling my head out of the sand.