Sunday, November 9, 2008

Conversation with Seth

Seth came home on Friday, out of breath, red nose and rosey cheeks, full of excitment and had a story to tell. First that he beat Gabby home from the bus stop - only Gabby likes to saunter home so he wins every day and he thinks its because he is sooooooo fast. But there was more to the excitment and he shared:
Seth: Mom, today is a great day.
Mom: Why is that?
Seth: because Caden, a kid at school, broke his nose and won't be back at school.
Mom: Why does that make it a great day?
Seth: (in a softer tone) Well, Caden is not nice to me and he always cuts in line in front of me.
Mom: That's not very nice - see what happens to people when they are not nice - that is called karma. - and then i had to explain how Karma worked.
Seth: I like karma and I will always be nice.
Mom: (note to self) I should have added something in there about keeping his room clean too.