Monday, November 3, 2008

Its Hockey Season

We are into another season and had our first game with 3 periods and officials. Seth got a bit spooked when the loud buzzer sounded to end the period. So spooked he did not want to keep playing so the coach took him off the ice to calm him down. Afterwards he said he does not like the horn or jet airplanes.


Loi said...

You have the best blog! Love the Halloween lollipops! Where are you building a house? We're tyring to sell ours. Holly is quickly finding out how much work the MS coordinator job is - but she's enjoying the challenge. Finiding refs before regions are over is the biggest snafoo right now. Good luck with the hockey career and soak up those UVewws!

Dana said...

Thanks Loi - I love your video clips of the little guy on your blog you are doing a great job too. Very cute. We will be adding on to our current home as prices are a bit high for homes we like - plus we like the neighborhood and school Seth goes to. Yes, kudos to holly for taking on the challenge, once high school is over she will have an easier time. Hope your house sells soon.