Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good Grief

As I have mentioned before, I have a hypothyroid that requires I take a little pill each day - to be in "normal" thyroid function. All editorial comments on the "normal" usage, you can keep to your funny little selves. The instructions to taking this pill says I cannot consume anything for an hour after taking - so I have a routine of putting a pill and a glass of water on the bedside table and at some point during the sleeping hours I roll over, find the pill and gulp down water. The days of sleeping through the night are pretty much over for me, but I have a wonderful knack to regaining the REM status once my head returns to the pillow.

So last night, as in the hundreds before, I did what I do. Or so I thought, because when I woke up the pill was still there in the spot I left it the night before. Did I not awake and take it? No, I remember doing it and when I check the water glass - its empty and I know I filled it. So now I am thinking I hope I did not swallow a Lego.


Unknown said...

OH YEA. so many times have I gotten to work to figure out that I had forgotten to take that little damn pill. Here I set up my time so I wake up, take the pill and by the time I get to work, an hour has passed and am aloud to have my coffee...

This happen this morning. LAME! My stomach started to eat itself, before I could eat anything...for yet another hour.

. said...

Time to check to poop.

(It's the only way you'll know for sure.)

That IS weird, though...and you know you're going to be thinking about it for MONTHS!

Anonymous said...

i'm the queen of not remember if i took a pill...even when i'm fully awake!