Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Lil Stinker

Sydney turns 2 today and we have some festivities planned. A phasghetti with meatballs feed, some game that I have yet to come up with - although I do have the prizes, plenty of adult tappas (appetizers), cupcakes, Nutter butter balls (because they will be expected) and maybe a Halloween movie.

She has been caught with her pants down - and I mean literally, people- if you do not catch her in time she yanks her diaper off. Right now she has entered the room I am in and has no shirt on. Thank goodness she does not do this in public. The pant/diaper thing may be a good sign though - how? you might ask - well its a sign that she is not liking her wet diaper and might be ready to potty train. The shirt thing has me wondering though.