Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Day of Firsts

I have lived in this town for over 34 years (minus come college years that I considered myself to be on loan to CA and CO) and there are times I will say to myself "I don't think I have ever driven this road" or "I have always wanted to see where that leads" or "wow, have never seen that before" - well you get my drift.

Today was the day of a few firsts.

As I am driving down Elmore Road, a road that connects Abbott with Tudor and edges the Bureau of Land Management (hence, undeveloped parkland) I notice several cars pulled to the side and traffic has stopped. I thought, "oh, another mama moose" OH NO - it was a bear, a big black bear that sauntered across the street and into the woods. Had my camera, but alas it went down where I could not get a pic. First bear I have seen in city limits.

Then, with about 4o minutes to kill and Linda Eder singing to me about Vienna, I decided to explore a road I have not been on - Campbell Creek Airport Road. It was a beautiful, blue sky day so I thought a clear view of the mountains would make for a great pic. The road weaved back into woods I have never been in and now want to go hike. I saw many trailheads and low sloping mountains to explore - lil sis is always up for an adventure, I will grab her and go.

See, I was not kidding about the blue sky

...and since I was on that side of town I decided to visit, well to be honest, pay homage to the newly opened Target Store. Now, most of you would just hem and haw about ANOTHER Target, but this is the first in Alaska (we are catching up) and I was told it needed to restock the shelves after the first week of operating. Krissy - don't fret, its been restocked and properly prepped for your visit as the managers have been briefed

I bought a Michael Buble CD, some dove chocolate looked around to see what I will be filling my home with once it is built and went on my merry way - oh, and speaking of merry, Target already has Christmas stuff out. Can we get past the turkey first people?


Krissy said...

Ohhh - I can't wait! I'll be there in a week and a half. My "happy place" as I always refer to Target!! I am looking forward to seeing you and the family.

Dana said...

I will make sure we know the hours of operation.

Blaze said...

I've lived in AK my whole life and have yet to see a bear. I guess that's kind of a good thing. :) I'm friends with your sister Beth and she knows I like blogging too. Linda Eder and Michael Buble? We definitely have the same taste in music!

Dana said...

Hi Blaze

happy to know you like the blog - it qucikly became an obsession. Yes, the bear thing was amazing, just wish I had more views of it.