Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Conversations with Seth

The two boys in the house are both playing hockey this season. Glen joined his company team and Seth is in the Mites program in town. If you add up the team fees plus the equipment fees I am thinking I am due a good week at a desert spa - I keep saying that and one day I will follow through - oh, a morning sunrise hike with a yoga class on a peak hill followed with a nice egg white omelete with fresh squeezed OJ and a side of raspberries - okay, slap back to reality.

Glen plays late at night because that is the only time adults can get ice in this town (more rinks please) and Seth was upset that he could not go watch - it's a school night, son. So when Glen got home, Seth, who is still awake in his defiance to fall to sleep, asks "Dad, did you score a goal" Glen responds,"no, I played defense and did not score a goal, but I knocked down 2 guys. Is that good?" Seth: "good job dad."