Sunday, August 31, 2008

I heart Raspberries

Our first summer living in this home we planted about 6 raspberry starters and 2 maple trees, we were told that in about 3 years the raspberry starters would start producing. For most folk I am told that their raspberry bushes just take over the area, grow on their own and multiply. They said plant them and let them be and soon you will have more raspberries then you will know what to do with. So me, not having a green finger (or is it thumb, see I can't even get that right) said that is a great plan. Each summer for the past 5 years (as I believe we are on the 5 year plan) I have cheered on these little starters - some dried up and died (we expected that), but others flourished on - somehow- and today I went to check on them and found these - the best little crop of berries yet. There were only a few of them, but more bushes have spread and so I cheer on. I ate the few that looked good and boy were they.

Then I went over to my neighbors backyard to see how hers were doing. Now, granted, she has lived in the home for many more moons and has grown the most grandest area of raspberry bushes. She said last year that I could come over and pick some as she is too busy at work and they go wasting away - oh, my goodness, not this year. I will be knocking on her door with an empty bucket and some halibut to trade in the next few days. I stood back and saw a sea of red, she needs to get picking and I need to help her. She makes some great jam with them whereas, I eat them like popcorn.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A great choice

The next 66 days of this political season just got a bit more interesting. I had a feeling that one day this lady would be an Alaskan Senator and am in awe of her rise in politics - obviously, I am not alone in my thoughts. Now if the reporters would only get the name of Wasilla right: it is not Was - illa, but more like Wah-silla.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bloggers unite for good Cause

Today is Nie Nie day and there are over 90 silent auctions (update, as of this morning 165+,update, now an amazing 275+))going on to benefit this incredible family. Visit Design Mom for all the links. 100% of your high bid goes to the family. Do a bit of early bird Christmas shopping

I am personally in a bidding war for 12 blog headers (one a month). People are so creative in what they are donating.

Anchorage Aasland meets The Farmer's Wife

Our paths finally crossed and we were able to meet each other face to face. The Farmerbrannons were enjoying a Big Wild Life adventure while visiting family and friends. To all my sisters-in-laws who have started their own blog because of mine - this is the person to credit (notice I did not say blame) as she is the starting root of mine - and the world is a better place because of it. Brent and Krissy you have to see what she caught in Homer - go to her blog, run, run, go. My only thought, as they picked up their son from a day with Seth, is I wish we had more time to visit.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Nielson Family

photo by Wendy Whitacre

This is the Nielson Family

I only know of them through the blogging world, but I have come to admire their love of life, family and faith. You will too when you visit Nie Nie's blog . A tragic event has happend in their lives just a little while ago: Christian and Stephanie were in an airplane accident on take-off while on a training flight. The flight instructor, a devoted father, died in the accident. Stephanie and Christian have severe burns over 70% of their bodies, are in a chemical induced coma, and are going through extensive skin surgeries. There are no internal organ damage, but the recovery road is long.

Her sister Cjane, another most amazing blogger, has been keeping updates going on her blog. I visit her blog daily now, and am amazed, saddened and yet inspired by her posts and impressed with the support given by fellow bloggers who either know this family or not. Cjane and Chup, who just had a little boy, have taken in the 4 children and are rising up to occassion. If you are willing - a donation site is on her site as well as a link to other donation auctions and etsy stores where proceeds are going 100% to the medical needs.

They are also very much wanting anyone and everyone to keep them in prayer and positive thought.

It pains me that such an event can happen to a family like this. But these families do not question their faith - instead they embrace it and gain strength from it and that is what I find so beautiful about these people whom I wish I knew.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beth on holiday

Beth (lil sister) is off to her annual pilgrimage to Burning Man. It is a gathering in the middle of nowhere in Black Rock Desert in Black Rock City, Nevada. I would best decribe it as a modernday woodstock but without the music and a lot more organization.

They gather together and embrace the stranger for a week. There are theme camps and those that just fly in for the day. Grand sculptures are made, rent a cans well used, and kiosks for just mouthwash. They bake in the sun and endure desert storms. When all is said and done, they pick up any evidence of being there - not a gum wrapper is left, but maybe some footprints or bike tracks.

Yes, theres a little bit of nudity going on

The center of all this is the Burning Man. A tall structure of a man made out of wood that goes up in flames on the last day. Each day his arms are lifted and on the final day they are over his head and he goes boom

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Off to school

2nd grade has begun.

Cheyenne is Seths tablemate and had a rough start to the day. Seth on the other hand was ready for me to leave. Does this expression just say "mom, put the camera away".

The little guy, wearing glasses, is Christian who was in Seth's Kindergarden class. They became instant friends back then and we are so happy to be in the same class again. They both love Star Wars and each have their own light saber and Star Wars Lego game - so you can imagine what they play during recess.

Isagenix update - it took a week longer to get there, but I made my short term benchmark. My workouts are easier so now they have to get more challenging and I replenished my isagenix supplies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fishing the Kenai

The Hubby got treated to a day of fishing on the Kenai and brought home some Silvers for the freezer. The plan is to smoke these up this weekend - if you have never smelled the aroma of a smoker you are missing out. The limit this day was 2 Silvers and when he told his tale at the monday work meeting - he was outdone by a fellow fisherwoman who said she got 40 (subsistence fishing in Nome). She did give him a wonderful snidbit that their company (which has native ties) allows each employee 10 days a year to fish and it does not count against his vacation or sick time. It pays to read the employee manual.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Get your Oats

What better way to get your Oats, but in the form of a cookie. I love oatmeal cookies, without raisins and of course with chocolate chips. The problem though with my receipe is that the cookies were a bit on the dry side - that was until I visited my Aunt Peg in Alpena, Michigan and discovered the secret: Intstant Vanilla Pudding. Just for shins and grins I also tried Instant Chocoloate Pudding and the results were the same - moist. So here is the wonderful receipe:

1 1/4 cup unsifted flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup softened butter
1/4 cup granualted sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 package of Instant Vanilla Pudding (4 serve size)
2 eggs
3 1/2 cup Oatmeal

Combine sugars, pudding mix & butter till creamy
add Eggs
add flour and soda and stir in oatmeal
* Chocolate chips always optional in my house, as many or as little as your heart desires

350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

and it looks like I will be passing the receipe on

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Reminder

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Concentrate on this sentence...

'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Getting There

For extra motivation, encouragement, measuring - whatever it takes- I have these pants hanging on the wall. They will be a hefty achievement so they fall under the category of "long term" goals.
I am seeing numbers on the scale that I have not seen in quite awhile, but most importantly I am not having to fight the urge to eat the kids foods because I just don't want it.
The isagenix products fill the void and I have found myself not hungry during those times when I would just snack on something. I did learn that I should not donate blood on my cleanse day - the workout the next day was a bit sluggish, but I made it through.
I am hoping that on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week I should hit a benchmark goal and of course that would be a bloggable moment.

...and one more olympic moment from the past. Talk about claiming your moment.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

One World, One Dream

You knew there would be a fantastic firework display, but I think everyone is in awe of the 15,000 performers who orchestrated an incredible show that mixed history, culture, the future, and art all into one. For some incredible images click here and here.

Then amongst all that grandness you learn about a little 9 year old, Lin Hao, who was sitting at his desk when the earthquake caused his school to collapse on his class. He was able to pull himself out to safety, but returned to get 2 of his classmates out. His reason: "I am one of the class leaders and a hall monitor, it was my responsibility to help."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great Moments

As a sporto I am a big, huge, faithful fan of the olympics. I can set aside political, moral, civil issues that people use as why places should not hold the Olympics and enjoy the 2 weeks of competition that brings the world together on one big stage. Anchorage once made a serious push to hold the winter Olympics, but did not get the bid - not sure what we would do with all those venues afterwards. Although for some reason all these hotels keep getting built so I wonder if there is a bigger plan going on. I have already told my boss at work that if we ever do get the bid, that I will be busy being one of their biggest volunteers and she said she would join me. So let's start the games by 2 of my most memorable events that I saw. Game on.

The proud moment when Joan Benoit won the 1984 Marathon on our own soil and the chills you get from Gabrielle Andersen as she suffers from heat exhaustion, but has the determination to finish - inspiring.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A passing

To my good friend, Julie,who lost her dad today:

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am the song that will never end.
I am the love of family and friend.
I am the child who has come to rest
In the arms of the Father who knows him best.
When you see the sunset fair,
I am the scented evening air.
I am the joy of a task well done.
I am the glow of the setting sun.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there,
I did not die!
~ Mary E. Frye ~

Saturday, August 2, 2008

What is on my Mind

I used to not look forward to the first day of school, but for some reason as a mom I am so ready for the new school year - anyone else?

Okay, one more and then you can get on with your daily activities

Friday, August 1, 2008

Grizzly gets a young Moose

Scroll to pause music
This is not for the fainted heart. This happened a few days ago in an Eagle River suburb that was built in an area visited by bears who want to get to the river for fish - and apparently moose too.


Here is our little angel cuddling with George while watching Elmo - a nice and ahhhhh moment.

And here she is giving mom a heart attack. The wanderer has turned into a climber with no fear - can you see how close her feet are to the edge?