Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cleanse Day

I gave myself some time on the Isagenix program before I start the cleanse portion and today is the day. I am downing my first 12 oz, as I type this, my initial thought is "blech" and I am going to have to acclimate myself to this - 3 more 12 oz to go for the day. I had good intentions in Fairbanks as I took the shake mix with me, but instead tried to make healthy choices (because that's life) and had good breakfasts - but had to indulge in the pulled pork that had the right amount of sauce. My weight has quickly gone down to my pre-weekend weight, so therefore no change on the ticker. I have had the 2 bars - chocolate crunch and peanut butter crunch - I would describe them as moist like a clif bar and dense like a powerbar - and tasty I might add.

Update: Around 2pm I had to eat and it did not help knowing that I have my favorite Blazing Buffalo Chicken lunch meat in the fridge and I was prepping more nutter butter truffles for a gathering of friends tomorrow at my house. I took my second cleanse drink and told myself "there's no paradise in this tropical paradise flavor" double blech. I resorted to a straw and plugging my noise hopping the elixir would bypass the taste buds - it helped sorta. Maybe next I will chase it down with a dark chocolate Dove square.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fairbanks Weekend

We are in Fairbanks for Glenn and Thelma's 60th anniversary and how can you pass up an opportunity to get family pictures. These are some of the grandkids: Josh, Sydney, Ryan, Seth and Kendra.
The Aasland Family: Krissy, Sally, Glen, Glenda, Bonnie, Susan, Glenn, Thelma, Carol

The Anchorage Aaslands with our nephews and Niece (aka Sydneys cousin mom)

The whirlwind weekend started with a grand BBQ and a 3 cousin birthday party, pinata and all. Uncle Arnie bought the 3 boys nerf guns which has kept them on the run everyday and many a times the warning of "if you aim for the face..." from the moms. Even at this moment, I can hear Susan saying to the boys "no more nerf, no more nerf." Many pots of coffee have been poured, fresh banana bread devoured, first tastes of oreo/nutter butter truffles, many family picturs revisited, and a girls night out to Mamma Mia - the movie was just as good the second time for me because I can read into those glances between Donna and Sam. A great weekend for all.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just thinking

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

-- Maria Robinson

A great quote that can be applied to almost any situation. It reminds me that no matter what has happened in the past the next day is a new day and an opportunity to do things differently and better because we can learn from the past. Don't get stuck in a rut and feel hopeless, don't dwell on the negative but instead be grateful for what you have today. If you are not happy figure out why then make a turn in the road and do something that will lead to happiness.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One week done

So I have been on Isagenix for 1 week and have dropped 1.5 pounds. I am getting used to the shakes, love the vitamin drink and energy citrus drink, but have yet to have a bar because I am not that hungy. I am trying to eat "normal, better choice" meals, but have the occasional chocolate bar. I am also doing my best to have a cut off time for eating - 8pm. We will see how week 2 goes as we leave on a roadtrip north tomorrow.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A must see

Took advantage of a free evening where plans changed but the babysitter was still in the works and I headed to a movie I know that Glen would not want to attend. Just me, my Carmello, and a water that costs a whopping $3.75 (are you kidding me?). My all time favorite actress (or shall I say Actor which is more PC these days )along with a forever handsome Bond and the music of ABBA - how can you go wrong? I will have to do some research on the location of this movie because it is calling my name. Update: Skopelos and Skiathos, Greece are the locations - and on our dream vacation to Italy/Greece some day we will be stopping by - oh, yes mark my words.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Time for some Campaignin - eye spy Seth

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Isagenix - day one

My health goals of losing weight has been at a snails pace, which actually is better for the body, but I would like to kick it up some. My sister has had success with this system and I figure we are genetically linked so why not give it a try. Isagenix is a meal replacement plan with a cleanse you do 4 days a month - its more then that, but I am learning as I go here. My fitness has improved, I have lost some Ibs. but still have more to go - it is such a good feeling to see jeans a little more loose and the thought of maybe hitting Phoenix for a shopping spree (and some sun) sounds good too. I have never followed a meal plan or a program so I think my body will respond to this so I added a weight loss ticker to the blog at the bottom to keep me motivated and accountable. Today was day one, the shakes were not so bad once I put it in a blender and made a somewhat frothy elixir. Not giving up my morning coffee, but will cut back on the daily "deserved" chocolate. I will keep ya all posted - I bet you are on the edge of your seat.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Grief

I must admit there are times when people make me laugh and yes, I sometimes laugh at them vs. with them. I was that kid in school who would be entertained by the "troublemakers" in class and just sit back and watch the show. Well, I can also laugh at myself - like the time I took the car to the carwash in November, proceeded to work and when I got back to the car to go home a few hours later- the doors were frozen shut (and how long have I lived in Alaska?). Well, here is another one and maybe a sign that I need to organize my shoes a bit differently - and it does not help that Sydney likes to try my shoes on and walk around the house. Last night I got ready for work at the gallery, worked the entire shift then for some reason looked down and noticed I had 2 different shoes on - NICE! at least they were both brown leather. We keep a "seinfeld" book of events at the gallery and I shall add this entry - right next to Marcellas entry when she wore 2 different black shoes. I AM NOT ALONE.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quartz Creek campout

Our annual camping trip took us 90 miles south to Quartz Creek. The creek leads into Kenai Lake - one of the prettiest blue lakes I know of. We camped here as a kid and it has changed - they even have flushing bathrooms now. Next year we might add in a horseback trailride or rafting the kenai river. It was Sydney's first campout and we anticipated being fire watchers, but instead we now deem her "the wanderer" as she did not want to stick around our site, but make friends with anything 2 legged or 4 legged.

Friday night there were 2 grizzlies in the backside of the campground that gave campers a bit of a scare. One was across the creek, a boy started yelling at it to make it go away further - instead it came charging through the creek and towards the campers. The mom's sitting around the fire just figured the boys were yelling bears as a joke and then they saw the 2 grizzlies about 200 feet from their firepit. As they say it, "we calmly got our wine glasses and went into the camper." The bears wandered towards the horse stables, walked into a horse trailer then the owner shut the door and made the call to Fish & Wildlife who tranquilized the bruins and took them away. Gotta love life in the big outdoors.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Go David and Kaitlyn can you resist these kids? They may not make it far in the competition, but they have the bravery to try

Sooo cute

If you need a laugh today

I am not a big fan of all these reality shows, but this summer I seem to be following 3 competition shows and one is Wipeout. You cannot watch this show without laughing. The battle of body vs inertia and gravity is easily won by the latter.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend fun

Sydney found her comfort zone away from the bouncy building because she could not stand when everyone was jumping around. She managed to have fun in the other areas and sometimes just wandered around. She was about wiped out on the way home and took about 2 minutes to fall asleep

Can you tell who is having more fun? the kids or the moms? I got in there and it was quite a leg workout, maybe our club should consider a new piece of equipment.

Glen built the backyard playground and added on the swings. The funny thing is I have posted this swing on craigslist at least 3 times and not one person called on it. It is one of those times you can say things happen for a reason. So we finally have something to attach it to and you can hear Sydney saying "weeeee." One of the best sounds is laughter from a child.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Da Balls

I got this receipe from Bakerella, (january 2008) she calls them oreo truffles. I have made them 2 times now and they are delicious so I am sharing the receipe here and a few things I learned.

1 package of oreos

1 block of cream cheese at room temp

1 bag of white chocolate candy melts

In a food processor or ziploc bag, crush the full oreo cookie

Mix in the cream cheese with the cookie crumbs

till it is like a cookie dough consistency (best to use a mixer vs a spoon)

roll into balls and put into freezer for at least 1 hour

Melt the candy melts and dip the balls into the chocolate and then

onto a cookie sheet to cool.

A few things I learned:

1. Bakerella uses chocolate bark, but here in Anchorage that is a seasonal item and so I had to use the candy melts - I will be stocking up on bark this next holiday.

2. If you want to add color to the balls, like I did for Memorial day (blue & red) the food coloring clumps up the candy melt chocolate and ruins it - best to just buy the colored melts.

3. Using nutter butters are just as yummy

4. Making small balls gives those watching their "treats" an option, plus they are a bit easier to dip in the chocolate.

5. My friend Gary would not eat the "blue balls"

6. I still need to work on my dipping skills as Bakerella's versions are so well done, but they taste the same.

7. Best to sample at any stage of creation for testing purposes of course.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th


For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
***Nelson Mandela

In typical Anchorage fashion it is cloudy and a high chance of rain as it usually is for the 4th of July. We have about 19 hours and 45 minutes and 36 seconds of sunlight (although we are losing 2 minutes and 45 seconds of daylight) so it does not really make for a fantastic firework display, but they try anyway and at least we have the grey clouds for a background. We have had some busy weekends and so the plan is to have a staycation for the weekend. Glen is working on the backyard playground, I will putz around the house, Seth will play his Wii and Sydney will do her best to drive us crazy. Good times.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Turning 7

Seth is a bit surprised to find a Wii
and by the looks of it so is Jack

Sister (with a little fat lip) had a blast

Jack, Manny, Kevin, Seth, Dani, Coda, Emma
having a good time at the bouncy building gym

A Star Wars theme, he actually has informed me that he has all the themes picked out till his 10th birthday.
I wonder where he gets these planning ahead skills from?

Happy Birthday to our big 7 year old

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Seth Screams for Ice Cream

Another reason we love this neighborhood is that the ice cream truck comes around 3 or 4 times a summer. You can hear the jingle a few miles away and Seth gets a dollar in his pocket just in case it comes into the cul da sac. Its the first real beautiful day today and the ice cream truck is stocked.