Monday, September 24, 2007

Leaps and Bounds

It is quite a cool thing when you see your kid learning and getting smarter. Sending Seth to school I always wonder if he is going to get it or struggle learning. Well, he is impressing us. He is reading his little homework books that the teacher sends home with and he is doing some basic math. He knows how to add and tonight he was telling me what something plus 10 was all the way to 100. He had a problem when adding 0 to something and now he knows that a number plus 0 is just the number. Catchy little phrase. Not to mention you can tell he is proud of himself. He likes to say, "See, I told ya". We have a deal that once the teacher gives us the thumbs up with progress on math and reading that we will head to Chucky Cheese and let me tell you there is nothing wrong with his memory. He reminds us on a daily basis.


Mac and Starr said...

Hey Dana!

Love your blog! So nice to stay updated with people in our busy lives. My friend did that collage for me, but she said she to download picasa through google and you can download all your pictures then select collage and pick the grid choice. It then saves whatever pictures you select as one that you can save and use in your blog. Hope that helps! Great to hear from you!!!*

Dana said...

Oh, that is so great. I also use Picasa so I will have to look into it. I love going to you and Sheilas blogs and even told Kasey she needs to jump on board and make one. Give your little peanut a hug for me.