Monday, September 3, 2007

Chocolate Spidy Bear

Went to Bellas birthday party this weekend to Build A Bear. Introducing Chocolate Spidy Bear. We also made our own version - we call it Build A Baby.


SD said...

Hey Dana-
Nice template! I think to get 3 pics across, I just choose "none" instead of left, right, or center. I also scrunch them down and preview it until it's the size I like. I use centering a lot, don't know if that gets it to wrap the words. I'm pretty new too, but love posting to this instead of resizing and emailing pictures all the time like I used to! My email is
I'll have to keep up with your blog now- it's fun to keep up!
Talk to you later! Sheila

Dana said...

Thanks Sheila - yes, a new blog lover. Hard to believe its been around 8 years and I just learned about it. Thanks for the info of pics. I will give it a try. Your boys look so athletic, good luck in football