Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ever wonder who comes up with great inventions? When I was visiting Michigan I noticed everyone had such nice organized and clean garages. Then I realized that people there also have barns and I bet ya they are as packed as my garage is. We have a 2 car garage, but with a handy husband who loves his tools, gadgets and saws we only have room for 1 car and its mine. When it gets warm enough in spring I park outside - which leaves space to work on projects, but this time of year we need to reorganize so that the car can reclaim its rightful territory. This leads me back to the invention part. I love whoever invented the Shop Vac. I would not be surprised if it was a woman. I also have a fine appreciation for the toilet bowl scrubber, the microwave, the coffee machine that grinds my beans right before brewing, and I am sure that Sydney loves her wipe warmer. What's yours?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Autumn day

It was a beautiful September day today.
The sun was out with no clouds in sight, the air crisp and time to play in the fallin leaves. The snow is staying on the further Chugach mountains and even snowed on Flat top so we know it is almost time to bring out the shovels and make sure the window scrapper is in the car. The deck chairs get put in the shed, we clear out the garage to park the car, mow the lawn one last time, take inventory of all our winter gear and start thinking about what our Halloween costume is. Its also time to stock up with hot chocolate mix and make sure your pantry has everything for Chili.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Time Heals

...but at a snails pace. He would be 74 today, but 13 years and 2 days ago I held his hand and had to say goodbye. This is Dad and as a pilot he showed us the world and on the homefront made sure we had memories of camping, life lessons, and the ever remembered "this meal I cooked would cost you $39 in Frankfurt." I see his eyes in Seth's and every once in awhile Seth picks up an airplane to fly around the room. That's how I know Dad is not too far away.

High Flight
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of Sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of -- wheeled and soared and
swung High in the sunlit silence
Hov'ring There
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air
Up,up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the windswept heights with
easy grace
Where never lark,
or even eagle flew
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untresspassed sancity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God
--- John Gillespie Magee Jr.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


For all the moms I know. To turn off the blog music,scroll down and pause the music so you can hear the momologue. I think I found a new comic to follow.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Leaps and Bounds

It is quite a cool thing when you see your kid learning and getting smarter. Sending Seth to school I always wonder if he is going to get it or struggle learning. Well, he is impressing us. He is reading his little homework books that the teacher sends home with and he is doing some basic math. He knows how to add and tonight he was telling me what something plus 10 was all the way to 100. He had a problem when adding 0 to something and now he knows that a number plus 0 is just the number. Catchy little phrase. Not to mention you can tell he is proud of himself. He likes to say, "See, I told ya". We have a deal that once the teacher gives us the thumbs up with progress on math and reading that we will head to Chucky Cheese and let me tell you there is nothing wrong with his memory. He reminds us on a daily basis.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


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What is it about kids and bubbles? Seth cannot resist bubbles. I stash them away to bring out on sunny days, but he manages to find them and persists on blowing bubbles whether its during winter or raining. Guess I should borrow a page from his book that says any day is a good day for bubbles

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Way too quiet

It is nice knowing that when I go home tonight there will be noise there. Seth will be flying his lego spaceships, Sydney will be making her "eeeeeeeee" squeal, and Glen will be asking where I put everything. I added to the Fall decor, only did one trip to Michaels, did very little cleaning but then again did not make much of a mess, went through some boxes, made donations to Salvation Army and realized I will have much more to go through and do again. Its nice having me time, but glad it was only for a few days.

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Weekend Alone

Took Glen, Seth and Sydney to the airport
this morning. Seth is very excited to fly up to Fairbanks. Once he saw the flight tower he kept saying, "we are getting closer, closer and closer" I have a weekend planned - starting with a Day Spa visit today, scrapbooking tonight, movie with my sister and Julie tomorrow, more scrapbooking and a Fall day Hike with Beth on Sunday morning - hopefully the bears are too busy looking for a den to sleep in.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sydney at 10 months

Sydney loves to ham it up for pictures. She is getting her first top tooth in and refuses to eat baby food. Loves bagels, spaghetti & meatballs, animal crackers and the other day I saw her eye my chocolate.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

On the Prowl

Tiger did it again this weekend. How can one man dominate in the sport of golf every weekend.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I am hooked on these two shows. One is Survivorman on The Science Channel and the other is In The Wild with a host called Bear on the National Geographic Channel. These 2 men purposely plant themselves out in nowhere and show you how to survive for days in the desert, everglades, on glaciers, mountains, and even the ocean. They show you how to find or make water (even from your own urine), how to trap using things around you, what to look for on snakes to know if they are harmless - but now I have forgotten if its yellow on red is dead or red on yellow I am your fellow - something like that. I did learn that in a tidepool you can find snails and if the water that runs out of the shell is clear you can have a snack, if it is not it can kill you in a day. Today, Survivorman was in the Sonoran Desert and showed how you could get a thread and needle from a cactus. He also found a cactus fruit that tastes like a strawberry Kiwi mix. To hide from a desert wild boar, you need to climb a tree because they cannot look up. And they say TV is bad.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Ups and Downs

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe Buffs and Phil had a great weekend,but what happened to Michigan? Yikes.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chocolate Spidy Bear

Went to Bellas birthday party this weekend to Build A Bear. Introducing Chocolate Spidy Bear. We also made our own version - we call it Build A Baby.

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