Monday, February 11, 2008

Is it DNA or our Chromosomes?

Before Seth leaves for school he has something for breakfast - it might be served in a bowl or on a napkin. This one morning he had toast so it was on a napkin and to be honest I am just happy he gets up in time to eat something and head off to the bus on time, so I can deal with picking up after him. I got back from the bus and Sydney had woken up so I got her out and we headed to the living room. If there is food leftover and left out she will help herself to it, but that day Seth finished his toast and the napkin remained. I watched in awe what happened next. Sydney got the napkin and started her walk to the kitchen, directly to the trashcan and stood there - gabbing the whole time. I walked over to her, pressed the foot pedal to open the trash can top and she dropped the napkin in, smiled at me and continued to gab as she walked towards Blues Clues. Now if I can just get my boys to do the same, but I might be fighting the X Chromosome and I am sure if we could break the toddler gab it would sound something like "why can't brother throw out his own trash?, what a mess he makes, good thing mom and I are here to keep this place clutter free."


Unknown said...

If you train her right, soon she will be cleaning the house for everyone!

Cinderella! Cinderella! Cinderella! Oh. Well don't just stand there Cinderella, Bring up the breakfast trays at once and hurry!

poor thing!