Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The weather forecast for the next 5 days has either one digit or a negative in front of the temperature. It is sunny, which is nice, but there is no warmth with it. The small breeze makes the cold go all the way to the bones and when you breathe it hurts the lungs. February is a big test for anyone who is making it through the winter because this is when we typically get these cold snaps - Fairbanks is down to -40s. Its mother natures way of saying I get one more chance to be winter before things start melting in March (wishful thinking).
Cold days like today, I like to go back and visit pictures of our last Mexico trip. The turtle came onto the beach and buried eggs while about 50 people stood and watched. There is a turtle sanctuary down the beach so the eggs were dug up and taken there. My sister and family are heading there next week, and I have already put in an order for real vanilla - I have sold enough sombreos in garage sales. This summer it will be a mission to get our passports so we can head south next year and get our own vanilla.


Cherie said...

Good luck with getting that passport! The beach pictures are great. It's not as cold in Ohio, but oh my! It is dreary. We are looking forward to spring and some sunshine.

. said...

You can always come to Arizona! :-)
...and you wouldn't even need a passport.

. said...

Oh, WERE just here.

I was the one who was gone!

Dana said...

I like the thought of meeting at Disneyland instead. There is sun there too and a waterslide to boot.