Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jet and Kinley

Woke up this morning and we had some more visitors in the backyard. Its calf season time and this one is probably a few days old. The mom is pretty trusting to be separated from the baby, but she is keeping an eye on us.
Update: It is almost 2pm and they are still here. Kinley has gone as far as the 2nd house over and then came back over the fence when Jet started crying. He has tried feeding twice, but mom keeps walking away (not a good sign) - hopefully they will leave together.
Update: It is 8pm, they are still here and are bedding down for the night - we even cooked on the deck for dinner and they stayed around. We had plans to work on the deck today, but you know how best laid plans go. Maybe we should of had moose burgers for dinner instead of shrimp.


Unknown said...

moose burgers? You would think they would move on when you guys whipped out the bbq. Maybe next time you offer them a plate.

I think Seth needs a pet moose.

. said...


Did you ever hear the story of Ben's family and their "pet moose".....

A baby moose hung out in their yard/horse field after mom was (they assumed) hit by a car or shot. Every time they fed the horses, they tossed over some hay to "Maynard" (which kept him alive during the winter). THEN, they started giving him an apple whenever they gave one to the horses!

Maynard even brought a lady-friend over once.

Years later, they sold the house to a friend of theirs. One day, Ben's mom got a phone call from the new resident....

"Uh, Christine....there's a moose on the back porch; waiting at the sliding glass door."

"Oh, that's Maynard. He's looking for an apple. Just make sure you cut one up because he's spoiled and won't eat it unless it's in wedges."

"Hang on. (Sound of a sliding glass door opening and closing in the background.) THAT was the coolest! I just fed an apple to a moose!"

True story.

Dana said...

that is a great story. It was so tempting to feed the moose some asparagus or carrots we had or even go up to the baby and pet it.
But then I had Seth there reminding me that he saw a video in school and if I did that I could go to jail - and so I refrained.

. said...


Well, can go ahead and delete my previous comment as necessary to destroy the evidence.

Dana said...

nah, I am sure the statues of limitati. ons can be applied. Heck I mouth fed asparagus to a moose from my doorstep. It was amazing