Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So Gross

I guess one of the good things of the fallin' snow we had last week was it delayed the annual scoop the moose poop in your yard event. It is nice to have these large animals come in your yard, but you know they are going to leave some "presents" and your first job of lawn care is to rake it all up. As a kid, on camping trips, we would put gloves on and make moose sculptures and you can always find moose poop tie tacks/jewelry or stir sticks in the shops downtown. I think I will pass on poop dangling so close to my nose, thank you very much. Just another unique aspect of living in Alaska and the funny things we do to keep busy.


. said...


Ben just explained all about this "moose poop" festival to me....and.....uh....

That's gross!

Dana said...

I know, talk about using your resources and you wonder why this has not caught on with the "growing green" movement.

Dana said...

haha. Going Green - I meant