Friday, November 9, 2007

So Brave

Most kids on an inservice day get to stay home and relax or moms take advantage of a free full day and take the kids downtown for SHOTS. Fun for all. Seth was brave and when given the choice he went first. He did not cry or even flinch - very impressive. I went second and the nurse must have been nice to Seth because I had to flinch, good thing Seth was holding my hand saying "its not so bad." Then Sydney went and had to get FIVE shots in her little legs and everyone in the waiting room could hear when each one was given. We all deserved Ihop afterwards and all was forgiven.


Krissy said...

I am glad that Seth was there to hold your hand. :) I can imagine Sydney was not happy - but a teat of pancakes and whip cream would put a smile back! I am looking forward to seeing all of you up here for Thanksgiving. Bring your winter gear and we'll go ice fishing - or at least the boys will and we'll go shopping!

Sally S said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who "tortures" the kids on their inservice days! I took Josh in last week on a day off for two shots, and to have some plantar warts frozen off his heel. (And I didn't take him for a treat anywhere after - now I'm having serious mommy guilt!)

Sue Cavazos said...

I also took advantage of the first slot open for Kendra's flu show which was on Halloween. If we did not do it on Halloween, it would be another 30 days so we had to to it then. She was not happy, but after that shot she said was that it? We go to Dairy Queen after all shots. Yes we are lucky Dairy Queen is open hear year round. Ryan get's the Flu Mist which they are currently out of, I wonder if he will get Dairy Queen afterwards....

Sue Cavazos said...

OK, I cannot spell. Sorry. I cannot see very well close up with my new contacts. I need to see what I type in a higher font. I better go buy some reading glasses...I do not getting older.

Unknown said...

ooooooohhhhhhh I HOP !!!!!