Saturday, November 24, 2007

Our Holiday Trip

I remember the day when I could pack for a 4 day trip the morning of the flight and be good - now is a whole different story. I have to think of the needs of 2 little kids and a hard working husband who may not have time to pack before work and then packs in time before leaving for the airport. It all started by getting Seth out of school early - he really liked that I had the office call him out of class - big deal with the kids as it makes them feel special. We said our good byes and he got a big hug from Ana - hmmmm. Then some kid named Lou came up to give a hug and then 2 other kids - I was seeing a trend and all this time the teacher is trying to practice their puppet show lines and I am trying to discreetly get seth out. We got to the airport and our flight was delayed and overbooked- Bethel was fogged in and we are delayed by an hour. I thought - hey, could we take a bump for some free tickets - I am thinking Mexico or maybe Disney World by that point. In the end it was not needed. We were greeted by happy family members at the airport and more importantly, warm temps. Yes, the heat wave in Anchorage had extended to Fairbanks. Turkey day was spent at soon to be brother in laws Brent's and Krissy's out at North Pole - yes, folks there is a North Pole, Alaska. Food was marvelous and I almost stayed on my Bob Green.s Holiday plan until the desserts came out. Darn those cookie dough truffles, pecan, and pumpkin pie. Friday was an early morning at the local shops for the wonderful black Friday event - something Krissy and I have done when we get the chance - got some savings and actually tolerated the crowds - the yummy mocha and free donuts offered did the trick. Today, we slept in and headed out to do some ice fishing, a first for Seth and Me, and I must say it was a great time. Just got back from David and Kelly Atlee's home, stomach is full of delicious brisket and great catching up on - Apparently, David and Glen have quite the colored past and probably should have been arrested a few times - but now we will chalk it up to Good Times. Tomorrow is a big day for Sydney as she is getting baptised at Pops and Grandmas church with 2 other 1 yr old twins who were adopted out of an Ethiopia Orphanage. Then we are heading home and I will add pics to the whole trip north.