Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had some fabulous sunny skies for our first trip out with the camper to Cooper Center Campground - 100 miles south of Anchorage. Seth ventured out on his bike and Sydney explored the campground - she really has no fear of wandering off and meeting people. I think she said Hi to everyone about 5 times each. Fresh air gives her energy and man was she full of it and luckily when it was bedtime, she zonked. The boys went rafting down the Kenai with trusty guide Jarret and saw a black bear on the shore. The girls took a nap because camping is just exhausting. We took a look at other campsites further south and will be back for at least one more at the Russian River Campground - oh, the memories.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trouble with capital T

Mornings are supposed to be calm, quiet, and serene. I get my coffee, get Seth off to school, check my email, send out 50 emails, harvest my fb farm and do mafia jobs - just a normal morning. NOT TODAY. As I am at the computer I get a whiff of Gold Bond diaper powder - but then again I gave Sydney that on her bum this morning and she was just at my side. Then she leaves and I turn to see her go and notice this:

This CANNOT be good, so I look around the corner and see this:

I am getting pretty good at counting to 10 these days

Monday, May 18, 2009

A great day for a triathlon

Swimsuit (check), goggles (check), awesome borrowed roadbike (check), water (check), shoes & socks (check), bagel and peanut butter (check), bib number 818 (check), anxious (check), listen to "I run for life" one more time for motivation (check), powerade gel bites (check), and Starbucks dark chocolate with espresso treats (check) - gotta have the right fuel.
It was my third one and I was not really nervous - well, until I was asked "ready to go?" , but with a thumbs up the day began. The heart was pumping, the swim stroke was strong and my breathing fast - but wait I caught up to the swimmer in front of me and had to pass - progress already. Then 2 more and then the I hear "last lap, great job" then the stairs to get out of the pool (thank goodness because my arms felt like wet noodles) leg one done. Running, barefooted as I tore off my swim cap and goggles like a seasoned pro I ran past strangers saying "go 818" - people who have been though the self induced misery understand what its like and are willing to give support to anyone starting off. Its great!

Arrived at my bike station and hurridly put my shoes and socks on - no getting outta my swim stuff this year, strapped on the helmet and headed to the bike course - oh, the hills of Birchwood Loop. I got passed by a mountain biker - drats - but as I watched her go by I realized she was channelling the strength of Wolverine - me not. Oh, a down hill and me the speed lover, tucked on my handle bars and rode it out. No brakes for this gal. Then the hill - yikes, failure - had to get off and walk it but that stretched my legs out for the last 2 hills and those I powered though - i think the gel bites had finally kicked in. I turned into the finish bike shoot pedaling to the dismount area and got off the bike - oh, were those tree trunks or my burning quads. I had to look down to make sure. 2nd leg done.

Off goes the helmet, bike back in the stand and onto the run - well actually jog/power walk - this girl hates to run. As runners were returning to the start you could see the smiles on their face and an encouraging comment to keep on - you are almost there. A 14 yr old and I traded jog and speed walk intervals - I would pass her she would pass me - until at the end she won out and crossed the finish line before me - but thats okay - she had a lower number then me which tells me overall I beat her out. HA! Triathlon done!!!!!

Then I came home and had this for dinner - yum Dutch Harbor Crab

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Try to do

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trouble - again

We all have a few regrets in life and one of those for me is letting Sydney see me doing a mud mask one day because I think it has led to this. Although she decided to continue onto the legs.
At least her skin was nice and soft when we washed her all up.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Product Endorsement

If you ask me I think soda is the downfall of health. Most people who complain of their weight will add, but I can't live without my 4 bottles of (fill in the name). Even the no calorie or zero calorie choices don't impress me when you read the ingredients and you have to refer to the periodic table to figure out their lab work. If I have a choice, I tend to be a lemonade person - lemons, sugar (non fructose preferred), water. See no periodic table, pipet or burner needed.

So when Glen went on one of his "pre-red wing playoff" trips to the store he brought back this Pepsi product. He is a pepsi guy and I guess you are either that or a Coke guy - which just makes me laugh because my tastebuds really cannot tell the difference - no worries though I have had a $200 bottle of wine and a $14 bottle and have the same issue.

The product has NO, and I say No High Fructose Corn Syrup. No major carbonation, but some fiz from the sparkling water. And the taste - well refer to the above - its not bad and is something I am sure you pepsi and coke heads can deal with. The sugar is a blend of cane and beet sugar and there are no lab created extracts. Give it a try.