Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not Normal

This is a bit wrong, we should not be seeing the deck free of snow until March. I am not falling for it because as I learned last year you just can't think its over until its over. We still have the rest of January and February to get through and don't forget the Iditarod in March. Last week at this time we were going through a cold snap - not as cold as the interior or on the peninsula - but cold and with a negative in front of the temp, this past week the winds picked up and so did the temps - today it is 39 and all the snow is either melted down or icey. Just to show you how windy it got take a look at this:

Not really sure how we are going to get that back up!!!!
I am listening to Seth tell Pops about the fort and he says, "it blewed over from the very windy wind, can you believe that?"


Unknown said...

So, it was not tied down? Good Job Glen!