Sunday, January 11, 2009


All his life Seth has been surrounded by girls, the poor guy, his cousins in town are girls and up until recently the neighbors have all been girls. Something tells me too that I am raising a charmer and this will never change - it could be that he is a chip off the old block of the Aasland men.

Well, I have to tell you the story of this necklace.
The night before we got it, Seth and I were in one of the MANY stores at the Magic Kingdom and Seth had seen a dark blue plastic ring with the outline of Mickey in rinestones - Seth has always liked shiny things and also rings so this was a blend of his 2 favorite things - but the ring was $6 and I was not about to spend that on THAT. I also said that it was kind of girly and maybe there was a Skeleton ring from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - trying in my best motherly way to sway him away from girly bling.

Then the next day we were in another store of MANY and he comes up to me and says

"mom, there's something I want to show you" - in kid language every parent knows this means they want us to buy them something. I looked at BIL Tim and he said "he wants something" and so I went along to see what the kid wanted. He brought me to the jewelry stand and pointed at this necklace and the talk went like this:

Seth: "isn't this pretty?"
Mom: "yes, it is but is also kinda girly for you"
Seth: "oh, I know I was thinking of buying it for you because it is pretty and I think you would like it"
Mom: fuzzy feeling and melting, and speechless - or maybe soaking up the moment.
Seth: "I will buy it with my card" (the room card that is also your park pass, resort id, but most importantly a room charge key much like a credit card)

So with that, he proudly marched over to the counter and bought his first piece of jewelry for a girl - FOR ME!!!!!! he even signed the receipt then turned around and said I could put it on now and so I did.

Once on, he asks "can I keep the black case?" (Seth has also always loved little boxes) I said yes and I look over at BIL Tim who is laughing and says "see, he just wanted the case"


Loi said...

If that doesn't make your heart melt! What a thoughtful guy you have. Surely they didn't display the case with the necklace, so him getting the case was definitely an after thought.

Bet you were wishing you were still in the Magic Kingdom and far away from this weather, eh? Does the Magic Kingdom have ruby red slippers you can click?