Friday, March 28, 2008

gotta have goals

Workouts in Lisa's sculpting class twice a week has been a great challenge. This month we had a group goal of 300 lunges by the end of march. Well, mark this date because we did them today and actually exceeded the goal by 1. Did I think I could do 300 when we did 150 2 weeks ago - heck no, but its amazing what you can do when you have something to strive for. Aprils goal deals with Abs - have no idea the number she will go to - stay tuned.

I thought about summer activity goals as it is so easy just to hang out at home with kids and do the everyday stuff - so I've thought of some activities that are doable: 1. take Seth to the top of Flat top 2. get back into camping 3. Finally get out to my sisters cabin 4. and here is the big one - do a day trek of kayaking in Whittier. Plus Whittier has a fudge store that I should visit.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

On the Hunt

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Glen it is

I had to go back to December to find out what letter we are on for moose visitors. We are on G and Seth named this one Glen. I took the picture right outside the car window - I could have poked his rear end but I am no greenhorn and know better.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Swim Survival

When we lived in Gilbert, Arizona there were so many reports of drownings this time of year. The city of Gilbert did not have an ordinance for pool gates because the people said it took away from the aesthetics of having a pool and even with gates some drownings still occurred. If you know of someone with a pool give them this link - what this baby does is amazing. Click here for an update on Miles who is now 4 and swimming in oceans. Amazing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Signs of Spring

Life has event cycles and this time of year, when the temperatures are hanging around the 30's and the snow level on the deck is melting away your mind goes to the thought that we made it through another Alaskan winter. You know you are on the verge of spring when it is daylight as you walk your child to the bus stop, Bagoys has their Tulip sale, the easter egg hunt you are hosting is in its final stages, Home Depot is putting out their patio furniture and you wake up thinking maybe today I will pull out the shorts. Now that is a great way to wake up.
Other signs of Spring
(good topic to ask clients)
The remodel show and parade of homes occur
The lovely smell of mud and mushed animal "gifts" fills the air
People start walking the bike paths and bikes come out
The BBQ cover comes off
People go skiing and come home with a great tan (or burn)
Kids get the all clear not to wear snowgear to school
Uncle Tim brings the boat home, because he cannot use the snowmachines anymore to get to the cabin (snowmachine in the river = bad)

Friday, March 14, 2008

This is Food?

These are the little plugs that are in the back side of the cabinet doors so when the doors get closed they don't make a loud noise. Well, little miss Sydney has discovered them and she likes to pick them out and put them in her mouth. She will even put them back in their holes when I tell her to, but once you turn your back she has it again. When I see she has one in her mouth the chase is on and I she runs away much like E.T. did when he and Gerty met (I tried finding that clip, but no luck), sort of like a fast waddle with arms above his head and squealling. The other day I took all of them out and she inspected all the doors with disappointment - hope she does not notice the ones in the lower corners.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A perfect wedding

Congratulations on a wonderful wedding and all the memories from that great day. Aloha.

ahhh, love

Couple on the left married for about 3 hours, couple with the cute little flower girl married for 59 years. That's amore.

mmmm S'mores

Not only did they have wedding cake, but a S'mores table too. Seth managed to tear himself away from the 12 girls he was dancing with to make his.

Supporting Cast

When you have all these kids that you know it makes it tough to choose who the flower girl and ring boy are so Krissy and Brent decided to involve them all.

Neon Golf

The flower brigade had their own pre-wedding festivities at Neon Golfing. How can you go wrong when you add in pizza and cupcakes? Seth was a bit confused on whether his stick was for golf or hockey and Sydney decided to go without either.
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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fairbanks Ice Classic

Just a few weeks ago the temperature in Fairbanks was minus 45 yes, minus 45. The day we went to the Ice park it was 44 yes, thank goodness a positive 44. T-shirt weather for the locals, but not good for the ice carvers as most of the one block pieces were slowly melting away. The Ice Park is located right next to the Chena River and they harvest the blocks from that water source so for that reason it was good the weather was cold. Silver lining in all things can be found.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Heading North

The kids and I are going to Fairbanks today to partake in Brent and Krissy's pre-wedding festivities. Sydney is ready to go and is even helping with the packing.

The Last Great Race

The Iditarod began on Saturday, March 1st. Its quite the exciting time downtown for the ceremonial start and then they restart in Willow. If you own a plane most people follow the mushers from checkpoint to checkpoint or campout in the middle of no where and wait for the mushers to mush by. Have hot chocolate (or I am sure some other elixir) a chair and a warm coat and you can sit out there to cheer them on. Visit this site from our newspaper - they have photos from all the checkpoints along the way or go to the official site of the Iditarod and use their link to the GPS locator link. 15 mushers opted to attach 2 Ibs. GPS so that we can track their location and speed. Iditarod goes techy.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The last hurrah

The Hockey Jamboree was the last hurrah for the season. Seth had a really good time and from the looks of it he may continue with it. Next sport might be soccer again or baseball. Sydney was a good cheerleader, but then had to get down and walk around. The social butterfly quickly made friends with other kids and put discoveries from the floor in her mouth - gross.

Hockey Jamboree