Sunday, October 28, 2007

Emma, Sydney and Aunt Andi


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Had a very busy past 4 days. It all started on Thursday when I took Seth to swim lessons then off to a high school volleyball match. Friday I took Grandma Thelma shopping and lunch - okay, I said busy but also fun. Still did not find that perfect leather coat. That night Seth and I got to go to a private screening of The Transformers at the Alaska Wildberry Theater and got to eat delicious food from Sourdough Mining Company. Way to go Optimus Prime - Seth could not stop talking about the whole movie. He said he liked the transformer that said "put the cube into my chest." Saturday we woke up to a great breakfast and started work on the bathroom - okay we means Pops and Glen, but I kept out of the way if that counts. Seth had hockey practice and I had to go off and do my last volleyball match at UAA -they have a wonderful 1-14 record. I needed a drink after that match so I went to the Knechts for their Halloween party where I helped Gary end his losing streak of beer pong. Hope to have pics sent to us and I will post. Got home late so slept in. The bathroom is complete - new vanity and toilet and boy does it make a difference so to celebrate Thelma and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and spent beyond what I was planning - is that the Beyond part? The bathroom does look 200% better. We also got to visit toys r us and they are out of Transformer things - odd to see an empty shelf in that store, but we managed to get some Christmas shopping done. Emma, Dani, Andrea and Tim came over. Showed Tim the nice pic of the Bull moose we had - apparently, the moose have outsmarted the hunters as Tim cannot find any in his permit zone. They are in the burbs. To top off the 4 day spree, I just got back from my gallery shift - the tourist are gone and things are slow. Oh, well I just get to go home and enjoy my new bathroom.