Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another site

I have joined the masses in Facebook - if you have a page as well my page is under Dana Aasland and lets become friends. I find it to be a more user friendly site then Myspace and tons more interactive and fun. Join up, there are long lost buddies out there.

...and to boot, today I synced (is that a word) all 3 ipods that we have onto one Itune Library. I have to reload several of my CDs onto my nano, but eventually I will get caught up. I loaded Seths shuffle with some hip kid music as I think he is out of the Backyardagain genre and more into High School Musical and Jessee McCartney.

I felt so good about my achievement (and coming out of frustration) I had a glass of wine. I had forgotten to stop by the Wine Styles store last month so this month I have 4 jugs of vino. bottoms up.

And here is another pic from the trip of the boys going down the waterslide at the hotel. We also sent Sydney down, she asked for it, and screamed the entire way. Glen put her in and I caught her at the bottom, and yes she was wearing a flotation swimsuit. She actually went down again the next day, again she asked for it. I don't think we are getting the parent of the year award.