Monday, December 31, 2007

I have the shakes

PhotobucketI have some catching up to do here. Due to some technical difficulties with our home computer accepting an installation with an upgrade to Vista I have been unable to post anything through the holidays. But with a husband, also going through Battlefield withdrawals, I am sure the computer will be up and going soon.

The time has flown and so much has happened and so much to blog about. Seth has lost his second front tooth - so yes, for Christmas all he wanted was his 2 front teeth. For our parent gift, Sydney has started walking. We spent Christmas eve at my sisters and ate so much that the majority of the prime rib was consumed the next day - a great lunch - and pre-flight meal. Glen and I took off for Arizona to celebrate 8 years of wedded bliss while leaving the kiddos in good hands back home. More on that when I can download pics - but it was a great time.

Now it is New Years Eve and 2007 has about 12 hours left. What will 2008 bring? Here are some of my predictions: Whitney Houston will make a comeback, Britney will continue to surprise us with her creative parenting skills, a new president will bring our guys and gals home, the price of oil will go past $100 and gas past $4. The Anchorage Aaslands may either go up a floor or into a whole new home and I will finish the Gold Nugget Triathlon. Lets see what happens in the next 365 days and 12 hours. Wish you all a happy new year.