Thursday, May 8, 2008

Conversations with Seth

PhotobucketIt is such a sweet moment when your son tells you he loves you out of the blue. Sometimes it gets followed with a request - yes, I am on to you - but last night it did not. As I am putting Seth to bed our talk went like this.

Seth: Mom, I love you so much. - followed with a big hug.
Mom: Oh, I love you too and I love it when you tell me you love me.
Seth: I love you everyday, all day.
Mom: How big do you love me?
Seth: As big as the death star.

You can obviously tell what phase we are in and I will take all my lovin anyway I can.


artbymichellecollins said...

Very sweet! My youngest is 5 and is starting school next year. We just went to get her shots today I started to cry.

. said...

That's awesome!

You know.....
the Death Star IS really big!

Dana said...


Jeremy and Kamie said...

Nice, very nice. Can I say that you look like Liz in the pic to the right of you and Seth (maybe in AZ).