Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Conversations with Seth

Mom: Hey, I need you to make a Christmas wish list.
Seth: I would like 3 things: a DSi, santa buddies dvd and moon shoes.
Mom: (ugh, he still wants the moon shoes)
Seth: I have asked for moon shoes from Santa since I was 6 and then 7 and again this year. I dont understand why I have not gotten them.
Mom: Well, maybe they dont make them anymore?
Seth: (in utter shock and dismay) Moooommmmm, Santa can make anything in his workshop.
Mom: Oh, thats right, what was I thinking those elves CAN make anything.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Citizens Academy

I got accepted into the Anchorage Police Department Citizens Academy - no, its not the academy where you can become a police officer, but is a place where citizens can get an up close look into what goes on in the departments and what the officers have to deal with. One night a week for 3 hours we listened to presentations on counterfeiting, gangs, domestic violence, patrol, accident investigations, K-9, crime scene investigations, homicides, cybercrime, drugs, personal safety, and maybe the most fun - we got to shoot some guns that SWAT get to use. Let me just tell you I now would like to have a fully automatic rifle and a taser.

So now what - well, I joined the Alumni group and plan on helping where I can. They use this group at large events like the Governors BBQ, AFN, and random places that need extra eyes. I will be volunteering for the disaster drill held at the airport each year and get to go on two ride alongs and if they ever get a new officer academy going I will just have to volunteer to get drunk and have them practice their DUI protocols.

I did not get a t-shirt after all of this, but did get an incredible opportunity to see the human side of our police force. Oh, but I did get this cool mug from my detective friend - thanks Sherlock!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Very Snowy Christmas

The fluffy snow has been falling non-stop for almost 3 days. Its time to think about sleds, handwarmers, hot chocolate, and rosey cheeks.

We have watched these 3 trees grow through the seasons and had the intentions on stringing lights on them, but I am not sure I want to knock off the snow.

On the agenda this weekend - COOKIES!!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Been Neglectful

Hi Folks

Okay, I have not forgotten that I have this blog. I just sorta went on a sabbatical from it for awhile. As the holidays approach I will get back into this and makes some posts. We have been a bit busy and I will admit a bit lazy. Had a wonderful visit up north for Thanksgiving, spending time with family and of course eating some good food. Now we are pulling out the holiday decor, attending christmas parties, anticipating a fun alumni volleyball tournament (can already feel the pain), and discussing Christmas dinner - Glen and my sister are already in the talks and I think its gonna be something grand.