Sunday, June 29, 2008

Arctic Thunder 2008

On Saturday, Seth and I headed to the base for 2008 Arctic Thunder. We got to watch some amazing flying exercises and go inside lots of different military planes. Seth classified the planes as quiet ones and loud ones. He did not care for the loud ones. I on the other hand loved watching the Raptor do fly-bys.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Shero

I am not really sure how this came about, but I will chalk it up to the universe reconcilling good karma and the kindness of Lindsey and Beth to think of me. Last night I got to see Wynonna perform a free concert on Elemendorf Air Force base for the military and Alaska's 50th year celebration. Whether she is singing country, gospel or "America the Beautiful" her voice just carries power, attitude, and faith. She has had struggles through life and reclaimed herself through the strength of her family and her faith and her music is nothing short of inspiring - sometimes its what makes me get to do another half mile on the treadmill.

Then about 4 songs into it mom came on stage and the crowd went wild. I remember watching their last concert together in my dorm room. They picked up where they left off that night and wowed the crowd. As F-15's flew by and straight up into the air Wynonna just shook her head and said "showoffs" and then followed that with "they can't stand having a girl in charge." I love her comments "its not age, its attitude" and Naomi says, "every ending gives new beginnings."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Horsing Around

Seth is getting a chance to take some riding lessons. Today we learned how to brush Ted, how not to walk behind a horse, how to saddle up, how to get going and make that clicking sound, the importance of saying yikes instead of whoa, and how to steer. Next lesson we might go a bit faster. Seth announced he wanted a pet horse and Laura and I had a good little laugh on that. I said he needed to work in a stable before that ever happens.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend chore

Once the rain stopped and we figured out how to tag team with Syds issues, we started our weekend chore - moving these bricks, meant for the deck, about 20 feet from where they lay. Once gone, we will begin construction of the backyard playground and of course pictures will be provided. The state insect (mosquito) was out in abundance but we managed to move every single block.

Love thy child

Sydney is at a place where she wants things but does not know how to communicate with you. She does like to point and say "Seeeeee" so sometimes we can figure it out and then she says "tank ew."

Yesterday she was in prime form and a few times I was having to take a deep breath, count to 10 and say "love thy child, love thy child"

She likes to climb on the dining room table and most recently Seths bed - both are high up and she does not know how to get down so many a times we had to help her - not to mention telling her no. She does not like that answer and proceeds to cry and collapse to the floor. She was quiet for a bit, and then my Jedi instincts kicked in, and I found her getting into all the wrapping paper - its all torn to shreds. Glen must not have The Force because he thought she was still sleeping. Eating is becoming an event as she will turn her head away from you and smile the whole time. You try the train or airplane thing and she just looks at you like you are crazy. The neighbor kids found a little bird at the base of a tree that could not fly so they put it in a shoebox, Sydney of course wanted to hold it and was told no - hence, scream and collapse. She prefers to play in the cul da sac or the neighbors yard vs. our nice mowed lawn. She will kick and push herself away on the diaper table so you are trying to change her and save her from falling off.

Are you feeling my pain yet? Oh, but it goes on.

Good thing craigslist/ebay have policies against selling children.

Glen was trying to download computer software and she found the button to turn the CPU off - so he had to start over. When I ask her to say mama she says da da and giggles - she knows what she is doing. Seth never liked dirt but I found Sydney with dirt around her mouth, if she is not eating dirt outside she is inside doing an excavation of the drawers. She loves apple juice, but you know what it does with little kids, and must I review what she does on the changing table? So we give her water - hence, scream, throw down of sippy cup and collapse. She has discovered how to get water from the fridge door - only she does not use a cup, no, she just likes to push the lever and out comes cold water. She likes to stand right in front of the TV, so we have to move her back, and she goes right back to it. She wants to be in Seths room ALL THE TIME when he is in there and Seth just wants to get away from her. Pops put a door handle on that can be locked from the inside, so that was solved - Seth does not know that we can unlock it yet from the outside.

All this happened yesterday and I can't wait to see how today goes. I don't think we need the supernanny quite yet, but after I put her down for the night I did help myself to a glass of wine and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dadsense by Anita Renfroe

Since I do coordinating for our volleyball program and sometimes have to call parents for info I can tell you that when I get dads on the phone the response is usually, "can I have my wife call you back?"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Momsense - full version

I know this is a repeat post, but they finally put the full version on youtube. Do we love youtube or what?

Scroll down to pause the blog music to hear Anita Renfroe

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Adjustments

The wind picked up and the clouds rolled in so no one was out playing and Seth decided to play this game. He pretty much taught himself how to play because the manual does not explain much and I really have no interest in video games. Seth, on the other hand, is quickly getting into them.

He must have been sitting on the floor playing for about 2 hours when he told me that his neck hurt. I told him to stop playing and go rest or do something else and instead he just laid back flat on the floor and said, "nah, this works" and continued playing.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dad's Day

Things I remember my Dad doing:
* putting a warm towel over my chest with Vicks when I was sick.
* when I caught my first fish, he held on to me while I brought it in so I would not get pulled into the Russian River by a fish that was stronger then me.

* Always brought some treat back from wherever Japan Airlines sent him.
* gave me my first credit card with advice to pay it off each month.

* showed me how to not coast the subaru when coming to a stop, because he told my older sister to do that and she failed her drivers test because of it, I however, did not.
* had me practice parallel parking with the subaru between a just bought car and the vintage 1966 Mustang - yeah, no pressure there.
* advised me to plead guilty to the judge for excessive speeding, accept the probation sentence on my licence, thank the judge and proceeded to pay my ticket. I was so ashamed I grounded myself (but that did not last long because he said going in front of a judge was a lesson well learned). I can still hear the judge telling me to get the lead out of my foot.

*telling clean jokes at the dinner table and laughing louder then anyone.

* giving advice that when you give money to friends or family - do it knowing you will never see it paid back, but if you do get repaid - don't look surprised.

* Told everyone to get into the camper because there is a bear coming to our campsite and then running to get the video camera and staying outside to get the footage.

* he tried to teach me about stocks - I still don't get it.
* writing left handed, but golfing right handed.
* told us, actually warned us, not to laugh at Scooter, our cocker spaniel, who had just received his 1st summer cut and he could tell Scooter was humiliated - "Dogs have feelings, you know".

* I remember when this picture was taken - a few days after my sister graduated from UOP we went to Mexico as a family. Dad and I went on this horse trail ride up in the hills.
Great day, great memory, favorite picture of us.

I think, no, I know my dad would have liked, approved, been buddies with my husband. They have much of the same qualities and I have heard that you tend to marry someone who is much like your father - they like to build things and use tools or just buy them in case you need to use them, they have a great sense of humor and are pretty firmly opinionated. I give thanks to Glen and Thelma (and all of the 5 older sisters too) for raising such an incredible person. Seth is learning how to be a good guy from his example and Sydney will know exactly what qualities to look for in a guy.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wall Worthy

Some art makes it to the fridge, some into his "school days box", but these two were framed and put into the "Art in the Park" competition. I had to bid on them to get back and Beth outbid me on the fish. Luckily, I made a color copy of it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The mind of a 6 yr. old

We are introducing Seth to some of our favorite movies so we have gone from Star Wars to Indiana Jones. So as Seth and I are sharing a big bowl of kettle corn he realizes that Indiana Jones looks a lot like Hans Solo. In a very hesitating whisper and in deep thought he says, "mom, I think that is Hans Solo." I tried to explain that it is the same actor who plays both characters, but he could not wrap his mind around that and insisted his hame is Hans Solo - "only, this Hans Solo uses a whip thing." At different times of the movie Seth would say "see he talks like Hans Solo or he runs like Hans Solo, and he even smiles like Hans Solo." I basically gave up trying to rationalize with the 6 year old mind.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day Trip to Whittier

Julie, Cathie and I did the Walk to Whittier - a small town that is used mostly to launch boats out. We had to wear hard hats to go through the 2.5 mile tunnel. Once we got there the payoff was the sunny blue skies, blue waters, a big bowl of clam chowder and a pound of fudge to bring home.


When driving around the neighborhood looking for our jet and kinley, we found these 2. Maybe word is getting around that our neighborhood is a safe place for youngings.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jet and Kinley

Woke up this morning and we had some more visitors in the backyard. Its calf season time and this one is probably a few days old. The mom is pretty trusting to be separated from the baby, but she is keeping an eye on us.
Update: It is almost 2pm and they are still here. Kinley has gone as far as the 2nd house over and then came back over the fence when Jet started crying. He has tried feeding twice, but mom keeps walking away (not a good sign) - hopefully they will leave together.
Update: It is 8pm, they are still here and are bedding down for the night - we even cooked on the deck for dinner and they stayed around. We had plans to work on the deck today, but you know how best laid plans go. Maybe we should of had moose burgers for dinner instead of shrimp.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fish On

The annual fishing trip filled up our freezer. Bring on the lemon we are having fish tonight. We may have to give some to Beth (lil sister) to store in her freezer - her motto is she does not eat anything that swims - so our fish is safe. Seth is not too keen on fish so we tell him it is chicken - how horrible is that? But it works.