Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Things Kids Say

My mother was always prepared with a big mug of hot chocolate served with a heaping amount of marshmellows whenever I came in from playing out in winter wonderland. So when Seth came in with rosy cheeks, a sweaty head, and tales of how fast his sled went - I took the opportunity to warm him up with a mug. I gave him a "big person" mug with 6 marshmellows, because he likes to eat the amount of his age - everything is in 6's. He took a sip and then I heard the loud "mom, you put too much hotness in this" and my reply was "whoops, would you like more marshmellows to cool it off?" with a response "oh, yes that should work." All was good in the world again.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Conversations with Seth

Seth is at the age where he is very curious about many things and has quite the creative mind (I have the teacher conference notes to prove it ) which has lead us to some interesting conversations or should I say clarifications that give me an insight to the 6 year old mind. Here is one we had yesturday on the way to work.

Seth: We live in a flat house.

Mom: Yes, its called a ranch house because there is only one floor.

SEth: We don't have stairs, I like stairs. (a favorite activity once he could crawl). Maybe if we burn the house we can get a new, bigger house.

Mom: (note to self - check that all matches are up high when we get home). Oh, no we don't want that to happen because then all your toys will burn up too, and monkey, and your Transformer movie. Mom and Dad are thinking of building onto the house and making it bigger.

Seth: Mom, you don't know how to build a house and where would we get all that wood?

Mom: We would hire people who know how to build houses and they would get the wood from Home Depot, aka the "man store" in our house.

Seth: Okay, can we go to subway now?

Our next conversation topic is about jail, guns and Uncle Tim - bet you are on the edge of your seat for that one.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

2 for tripping

Another steller performance with 2 goals added to the stats (we are up to 4). We may have a star on our team, his name is Darrin and I quit counting his goals at 10 last night. We have had to talk to our little "goon" who has figured out he can trip kids, even on his own team, with his stick. The coaches don't penalize at this age, but that does not mean mom won't penalize him.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The power of the lollipop


Sydney got her first real haircut (we have been cutting bangs for a bit) and sat better then her brother did when he got his. She would not stop looking around to keep on eye on the lady cutting her hair. So mom - being well prepared had not one but 2 lollipops and that did the trick.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My new indulgence

With my "get fit" efforts I examined my meals and low and behold my fiber is way low. If there are no Honeycrisp apples at the store what is a girl to do? Then while I was at SAMS, with time on my hands (code for no kids) and was browsing (very dangerous to do in SAMS even if you have eaten beforehand) I eye spied these bars and how can something with chocolate chips and chocolate drizzle be bad - especially when the high fructose corn syrup is not within the first 5 listed indredients (health rule). They are most delicious and highly recommended. There is an elliptical open and the ipod is charged so off I go.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Houston, we are affirmative on take off

We can finally say that we have a walker, she got the hang of it last weekend and has been a biped since. Still a bit wobbly, but working out the kinks. You can tell that she is quite proud of her new mobility. She is all smiles and squeals when she walks. Kudos to Sydney.

Friday, January 18, 2008

He's Fired

Gene Simmons is gone from the show. After talking with one of my clients, who divulged she was a Gene supporter, I think I figured out why I was rooting for him. He is a man who I would never even consider having in my life - he is arrogent ("I am the king of women" - funny), way too smug, and as he even says in the clip "a benevolent dictator." But being able to get a glimpse into his way of thinking and handling things was a bit shocking to me, but yet entertaining. I can see that he is a master marketer and I think he was just ready to move on to his next project. On the Celebrity Apprentice message boards it seems I was not alone. The consensus was that he set himself up to get fired and took a fall for the team because he held to his convictions and defended his teammates. Personally, I thought his team had a better presentation and I wish that Trump would have let him have more say before he got fired - I am sure they edited that out as he mentioned he wanted to explain his actions, which would have been very interesting. Someone needs to take Omarosa out - she is so much not a team player and is hiding under the radar.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Super Squirrel

I once housesat for friends who had an outdoor pet named Fang III, he was a red tail squirrel that lived in the Fang Mansion that Norm built. It had a wrap around porch and a rope that I had to put a peanut in everyday. Almost on cue, as if he was watching from the woods, he would appear and start bringing up the rope to get his treat. Sundays were special, that was Nilla wafer and peanut butter day and he was waiting for me on his perch when I walked into the kitchen. I think the previous owners were morning people and I was a bit tardy with his treat.

Well, I wonder if Fang knows about Twiggy, the water skiing squirrel on another video right after this obstacle course. Click on it for a good chuckle

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I will go with...

PhotobucketBecause my groom is a Cowboys fan, I was in support of them - mainly because our vows say "for better or worse " and "in sickness and in health" - highlight the sickness and worse aspect. The competitve side of me was in favor of a Packer vs Cowboys matchup, but since that is not happening then I am rootin tootin for the boys in green - I don't know much about them, but I do know that last year there were a lot of naysayers demanding Farve to retire for the good of the game and team - well, look at him now. Go for the ring, my man.

And, since we are on a sporto theme: Seth's Goal stat increases to 2. Go White Shark!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A snowy day

It has been snowing with the light fluffy snowflakes (the best kind to shovel) for a second day. Pretty cool that the flash catches the falling snow. Days like this you want to play hooky from all responiblities and head for the slopes. *** Oh, and remember that anticipation of soreness from my yoga experience - it kicked in on Wednesday, but I still managed to hit the treadmill and bike. Goottttta keep going and I am looking forward to Sundays class - I may even bring my little sister.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

TV Fodder

I am not a big follower of all these reality shows, but the Apprentice series has me hooked. I was the kid in school that dreaded group projects because there always seemed to be someone in the group that was the slacker - you know the kind - the kid that never came to class with paper or pen and always asked for one from you because you were always prepared. I was not the most excelled student, but wanted to put together a good product so I usually ended up doing the slacker's part or at least doing more then what I should have. How nice it would have been to say "you're fired." I have only seen one episode of this series, but I think I am rooting for Gene Simmons and it has nothing to do with the fact that I was him for Halloween once - I wonder what my parents thought of that back then.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


So I am one of the many who decided to go the "get fit" route to begin the new year. Actually, I started about 5 weeks ago so I am a bit more legit. I even worked out on the trip. Today I did my first yoga class in years and just reaffirmed that my hamstrings are tight and I will probably feel this workout more in about 2 days. The plan is to make the workouts random and challenging so that when the gold nugget triathlon comes along I am ready. I do need to update my Ipod so any suggestions as to what music motivates you will be looked into. I am an 80's music girl and need to step in time for new music. Just do it.more this

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dream Home?

HGTV has another beautiful home to give away - Florida. Enter here everyday for your chance to take ownership. If I win I may have to get a dog for the Canine Cabana (little building on the left)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lets Go Red Wings

What great timing that on our anniversary trip the Red Wings would be playing the Coyotes. We actually could have had a hat trick of the Suns on Friday, the Wings/coyotes on Saturday and the Cardinals on Sunday, but settled with hockey. The Glendale Arena area is very impressive and I can't wait to get down there again - this time way before the marque event. Not able to get a pic of Mr. Gretzky as we were sitting on the bench side, but I could see him. We saw a successful penalty shot, 2 fights, and an open net goal by the Wings. Wings 4- Coyotes 2.

Arizona Trip

Our stay in Scottsdale, Arizona started each morning with a big plate of fruit - got my raspberry fix and fresh squeezed orange juice. Only one day of laying out while Glen went golfing with the boys. The temps were not quite freezing to us northerners, but cold to the point where we broke down and bought more pants. As we walked around Scottsdale Fashion square mall I noticed Glen and I were the only ones in shorts. It was a fast 5 days spent shopping, driving to Prescott for a possible property purchase, eating at choice establishments - although we missed In & Out Burger but made up for it at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Next time we will make time to browse Cabellas in Glendale - we discovered that a bit late.
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