Monday, December 31, 2007

I have the shakes

PhotobucketI have some catching up to do here. Due to some technical difficulties with our home computer accepting an installation with an upgrade to Vista I have been unable to post anything through the holidays. But with a husband, also going through Battlefield withdrawals, I am sure the computer will be up and going soon.

The time has flown and so much has happened and so much to blog about. Seth has lost his second front tooth - so yes, for Christmas all he wanted was his 2 front teeth. For our parent gift, Sydney has started walking. We spent Christmas eve at my sisters and ate so much that the majority of the prime rib was consumed the next day - a great lunch - and pre-flight meal. Glen and I took off for Arizona to celebrate 8 years of wedded bliss while leaving the kiddos in good hands back home. More on that when I can download pics - but it was a great time.

Now it is New Years Eve and 2007 has about 12 hours left. What will 2008 bring? Here are some of my predictions: Whitney Houston will make a comeback, Britney will continue to surprise us with her creative parenting skills, a new president will bring our guys and gals home, the price of oil will go past $100 and gas past $4. The Anchorage Aaslands may either go up a floor or into a whole new home and I will finish the Gold Nugget Triathlon. Lets see what happens in the next 365 days and 12 hours. Wish you all a happy new year.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just for giggles

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


With all that is going on in the world, it is nice to read a feel good story. We live in a large, but small world and sometimes its a good thing.

They are back

Going out to check the mail and noticed that mama moose and Elliot are back. Glad to see them as I have seen some of these critters off the side of the road down after being hit by a car. Its a shame, but when that happens a phone tree is started and some volunteer carvers go to the site to salvage the meat and give to the Brother Francis Shelter or to families who are on a need list. So its not a complete sad story.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

but I like the cookie

While I was blogging things were a bit too quiet and so I looked around and guess what I found. A cookie snatcher.
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Christmas Prep

Today is the day the snowmen collectime came out of their boxes and into their holiday display. I also got busy in the kitchen - making banana bread, snickerdoodles, and fudge. I like to clean as I go so there is not much of a mess afterwards. Tomorrow Glen, aka. Optimus Prime of the kitchen, will make his treats. The house smelled good and as you can see Seth helped with the cleanup. Maybe we will have time to go do some skating on Potters Marsh

Friday, December 14, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I have been a sporto all my life, growing up watching the Lakers and Celtics duel, staying up late to watch our olympians go for a medal, and Joe Montana throwing a great pass to anyone who can catch it in the numbers. Is it greed or pride or fame that is driving these people to use this stuff and risk their health. Hello - remember Lyle Alzado who admitted to use and died of a inoperable brain tumor. Having a background in exercise physiology I know this stuff is not needed to be at the top of your game, it just takes work. This shirt gave me an idea - lets have all athletes tested and if positive they go into their own sporting event called the Roid league. Marion Jones can run the bases for Bonds.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A girls night out

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Got together with some girlfriends for dinner and The Producers last night. The evening started with a dinner that had great conversation and visiting, but only time for about 1 bite of our entrees because it took them awhile to get it to us, "no talking ladies, eat." A wonderful memory took place - as I reached for bread (because I was starving) I knocked over the salt & pepper shaker which fell onto Julies wine glass that then fell over spilling the wine and breaking at the stem. My dinner is still in the fridge - we joked about taking it into the show with us and if we do this again we might hit McDonalds instead. Once we had our to go boxes we put Cathie, our Katrina Refugee, at the wheel because she opted for coffee and the rest of us had wine in the blood that was taking effect because we had no food to absorb the alcohol and we properly told her we were a bit late and "in Alaska, yellow lights mean hurry up and get through". The Producers stood up to its reputation - even without Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick running the show. One of these days I do plan on getting to New York and seeing these Broadway productions the right way. After the show we headed to Sullivans for dessert and Holly narrowly missed being splashed by a puddle that went spraying about 5 feet into the sidewalk by a passing car. She would have been drenched. My brownie (meant for 2 - and I think they meant thighs) was delicious and I ate every bite of it. Now I need to hit a treadmill and then go home for a filet mignon lunch.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

He shoots, He scores

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In his first hockey game Seth scored his first goal. The legend will be told as this: On defense Seth knocked down an opponent, cleared the puck against the boards and got a breakaway. In the clear he shot on goal, but the goalie stopped it and the puck rebounded off. Seth, who does not know how to stop yet, was full steam ahead towards the puck and the goal, took a shot and it went in. Stats have officially begun. Mark this date.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Penguin happy slap

Aren't there people you want to do this to?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The first movie we went to as a family with Seth sitting between us was The Polar Express . Seth sat on the edge of his seat the entire time and it was almost more fun to watch him react to the movie vs watch the movie. The Polar Express has a great message,suspense, and music - and I am not saying that because I am a big Tom Hanks fan. We got Seth a big silver bell that year and you should have seen him shake it to hear the ringing because as he said, "I believe".

Monday, December 3, 2007

Merry Music

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Besides baking and eating Christmas cookies I love this time of year for the music. Unlike my good college buddy Laura (hi there, oh your Ravens came so close to giving Brady & Co. a notch in the L column)- I can listen to it all day everyday. We have a radio channel that starts playing Christmas music from Thanksgiving to the 26th of December. I am a fan of the classics sung by Bing, Andy Williams, Deno and Sinatra and even some the more recent voices of the day - but only if the artist sticks to the original sound of the song. I have a very hard time when Mariah Carey is moaning though Silent Night or when Billy Gilman (all of 8 years old) is talking about Decking the Halls or when Kenny G is turning a 2:30 long song into one drown out trumpt tune. And on the same note (no pund intended)I like telling people MERRY CHRISTMAS - not happy holidays or seasons greetings and I heard the other day they want to rename the CHISTMAS TREE to something like season grand tree. UGH. So Laura, next time you hear The Little Drummer boy - best sung by Andy Williams - think of me because that is my favorite. Rump a pum pum.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Still Recovering


Our Thanksgiving evening was at soon to be brother in laws Brents home. We had food a plenty and roaving vacuum (roscoe) and good family time.
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